My Euphoria

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Two Months Later

Wedding days - I truly, absolutely, positively, certainly despise them.

That was until I was the one walking down the aisle toward Jake. 

As I walk down the aisle, holding Diana's hand, my mind travels back to all the funny and stupid moments that lead I and Jake to be here now, making me smile as I look at him.

Jake holds his hand out, and I take his hand in mine as I stand facing him.

"You look beautiful.", Jakes whispers in my ear, making me giggle from shyness.

"Well, you look very handsome." I blush as I look up at him.

After expressing our vows of love and devotion to each other, Willow passes our rings to I and Jake as the marriage officiant tells Jake to place the ring on my ring finger, holding my hand as the marriage office tells him to repeat his promise to me.

"With this ring, I seal my promise to be your faithful and loving husband, as God is my witness." He holds his tears back, placing the ring on my finger.

I place the ring on his ring finger as I look up at him, repeating my promise after the marriage officiant.

"With this ring, I seal my promise to be your faithful and loving wife, as God is my witness." I place the ring all the way, looking up at Jake with a smile.

"I now pronounce that you are husband and wife. Jake, you may kiss your wife." She says to Jake, and Jake gladly holds my face, kissing me softly as we hear everyone's cheers in the background.

Jake and I leave the reception and get into our limousine, waving goodbye to everyone from the window as the chauffeur drives away.

"How are our babies?" Jake touches my stomach, looking at me as I try calming down my breathing.

"They're good, aren't you my babies." I rest my hand on top Jake's, smiling at him.

"I love you, Lu." Jake kisses my lips, then begins to kiss all over my face.

"Jake, the driver might see us." I laugh, feeling ticklish as he holds my face.

As the day turns to night, Jake and I walk into the venue as everyone cheers for us, making us smile brightly at everyone.

"Hey, baby." I kiss baby Luana as she giggles at me, then hug Emma and Austin.

I walk up to Willow, hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy for you, Lu!" She tells me, and I pull away, trying to hold back my tears.

"Love you." I kiss her cheek, then hug Liam who was beside Willow.

"Okay. Let's dance everybody!" I shout, making everyone laugh and join me on the dance floor as the Dj turns up the volume.

 Let's dance everybody!" I shout, making everyone laugh and join me on the dance floor as the Dj turns up the volume

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