Nothing Remains.

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In the reflection of the mirror stood a young boy with jet black hair and dark blue eyes that almost always seemed to glow in the dark, who knows what's in them?

Placing his hand on the mirror, his finger glided over the glass before being interrupted by the opening of a door. The room he is in is dark, with the only source of illumination being the moonlight seeping through the window adjacent to his bed.

The door opened slowly before a girl with blonde hair and green eyes popped into his room.

"Psst... hey..!" She called out to him, as her stomach grumbled. "You and I both haven't eaten dinner yet, want to go grab some?"

He never liked social interactions, but the girl had a certain charisma to her that made refusal practically a non-option. And so, he went with her.


A teen looks into the mirror, his pale skin and glowing dark eyes making him an oddity compared to other teens of his age.

On his arms were scars, surgical ones. Scars signifying he is one of the lucky few to survive the augmentation process. His strength and durability was enhanced, and he now boasts higher durability thanks to his bones becoming practically unbreakable.

Of course, this process did not come without a cost. Most of the "willing" participants had died, with the "lucky" ones dying of immediate brain death. The rest were not so lucky, as they felt each organ inside their body shutting down.

He was interrupted by the opening of the door. The same girl who had invited him to eat dinner with her all those years ago had come to retrieve him.

"Come on," She said. "The mission isn't gonna finish itself."

The teen still didn't like socializing, so the only person he was willing to work with was her. Alpha, she was now called and he was called Omega. Fitting names, right?


A young man stands in the ruins of what was once his room. The mirror was shattered, the glass shards littering the floor. His bed was turned over and the window was now a hole with a very large pile of rubble blocking an exit. This will affect the property value, it seems.

He wore a duster with body armor worn underneath. A symbol of a snake wrapped around a sword was barely visible on his left shoulder, having been withered by a war without end. His pants were fitted with knee guards to protect his knees (obviously) and he wore bog-standard combat boots.

Fastened on his hip was his helmet, its dark red visor being the most prominent feature on it. On the left side of the helmet is an antenna used for relaying information, a necessity for his role as scout. The mask itself looked damaged, with what appeared to be scratch marks on the filter and half of it being charred black.

On the opposite side, a scabbard. The hilt of a sword could be seen jutting out of it, with the pommel shaped like a wolf's claw. The blade itself, though not revealed due to the scabbard, was a single edge and uniquely, coloured a crimson red.

Omega looked around the room one last time before exiting, a low hum could be heard with each step he took. Once, these halls were alive with activity. Not anymore.

The dreary halls seem to go on and on without end. The only noise that could be heard was that hum and strangely, his footsteps were silent, as if he were a ghost.

The hum continued as he walked through hallway after hallway, were they really this long? He couldn't remember. They seem to go on and on and on. Frankly, it was getting annoying. But thankfully, it was coming to an end!

A bright light emanated from a steel door at the end of the hall, with some of it creeping in through the cracks. He stopped in front of the door, and placed his helmet back on his head before grasping the handle and hearing the winds picking up as drops of rain started to hit his body.

The Lone Headhunter (Rewrite) [An Azur Lane × Male OC Story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz