Chapter 1: Concent in A Can

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         Ellie's P.O.V.:

I see Marcus playing gutair in the hall. There's just something about him that I just don't trust. "You know, you guys are the first people that have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid." He says. I really don't trust him. "Yeah, we used to be the kids no one talks to. Now we're the vagly familiar kids no one talks to." Chase says. Leo walks up to us saying "Hey peeps, what's the deal-io?" 

"Hi, I'm Marcus." Marcus says putting his arm out to shake hands with Leo. He turns it into a fist bump saying "I know. We have gym together. And study hall. And also chemistry. We're lab partners." He says. Wow. I never noticed how much Leo isn't noticed by people. Kind of ironic isn't it? "Oh, I...Did not know that. Chase have you ever played gutair?" Marcus says. I don't think he has. "No, I've always wanted to." Chase says. I think he'd be a great gutair player if he puts his mind to it. "Well I'm a jammer as well. My rocking is only eclipced by my rolling." Leo says. Really Leo? Jelious much? "Leo, your mom said that you played clerinet for 3 weeks until you swallowed the reed." I say trying not to laugh. "I passed it." Leo said. What does that mean? 

 What does that mean? 

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        "Here, Chase. You want to give it a go?" Marcus asks. "Yeah, sure, why not?" Chase says. I think this is going to be good. He should just adiomadically know how to because he's got bionic intelligence right? He does an amazing guitar solo. We all gape in amazement. "Well, what do you know, beginner's luck." He covered. Nice one Chase. At lunch we sit at a table together. Minus Leo because he's not here. "So my dad and I move around a lot. I was homeschooled most of my life." He says. Yeah, um, I know that he's gone to school before. We were in the same classes together! "Anyway...That's a pretty sweet guitar, Marcus." Chase says. It is pretty sweet. I played it once and it wasn't really my thing. Singing is though. I've never done it in front of anybody because I have some stage fright. "Yeah, and you're a natural, bro! Guys! We should start a band!" Marcus says.

I think this is a terrible idea but I don't say anything. I will if things get too out of hand. Leo finally walks over here. Maybe when he hears about this he'll back me up. "Hey Leo, guess what? Marcus, Adam and I are starting a band." Chase tells him. "Wait, you guys just met; don't you think that's a little soon?" Leo asked. "I completly agree with Leo." I say. Whoops. That just slipped out. Now he knows I'm on to him! "Now if only we could find a place to practice. I have a pretty small place so..." Marcus says. No way! There's plenty of room. That no good liar! "Well, you know Marcus we have a pretty big place. We can jsut practice there." Chase says. "Woah, woah, woah, hold your horses cowboy." Leo and I say at the same time motioning for them to come out of earshot. "Chase what are you doing?" Leo asks. "Yeah. Do you really think it's a good idea to have a complete stranger into our very privete home?" I ask.

 If he says yes then this will not end well. "Don't worry, Marcus. We'll practice at our place later. Come on over." Chase says. Why, just why Chase! Marcus leaves. "You guys are making a big mistake." Leo says. "Yep. We mean, you've only been in the real world for a little while. There's still a lot of stuff you don't know." I say. This feels so weird. Marcus is here and him being my brother is just aweful. "Look, Leo and Ellie; I'm not going to run our playdates past you. Hel-lo genious." Chase motions to himself. Yeah, a genious who has no clue about this! "What you have is book smarts. We have street smarts. And we're going to watch what's happening on the street." I say to Chase. 

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