Chapter 14: The Vanishing

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A/N: This is after the episode "On The Edge." I'm not adding it because I just don't like that episode very much. Why am I telling you this? Because Leo becomes a mentor in that one. Thank you.

Ellie's P.O.V:

Bob comes running into the room. "I'm here! I'm here!" He says. "Bob you're late." Chase says. "Again." I say. This guy has got to get his prorities straght! Donald and Dad come running into the training area all excited. "What are you two so excited about? Did someone ask you to prom?" Leo asks. I stiffle a laugh. "No. But thanks for opening up old wonds." Dad says. I am kind of curious. "After countless hours of reasearch and developement, Douglus and I have finally perfected the most amazing boinic upgrade ever!" Mr. Davenport says. "Sorry to say for Leo and Ellie the upgrade only works for people who have bionic chips." Mr. Davenport says.

"What?!" Leo asks. "Ok, that's fine I understand." I say. "Be greatful you have a bionic arm, Leo, cause that's all you're getting. Well, until your next freak accident." Mr. Davenport says laughing. He doesn't find it funny. "Mr. Davenport are you sure this upgreade is safe? I mean, some of our students haven't even mastered their bionics at the current level." Chase says. "Yeah Mr. Davenport, I know you want to give us the coolest thing ever." Bree says. "But do you have to?" Bree and I say mockingly. "Bottom line; this is the best thing that Donnie and I ever created. I'm so proud of you." Dad says. "No I'm proud of you." They go back and forth. "Hey, hey! You know what'll make us all proud? If you two go back to hating each other.." Bree says.

A few hours later: Chase's P.O.V.:

"How's it going with the upgrade?" Mr. Davenport asks. "I'll let you be the judge. Go ahead, Jeeny, show him how powerful you are." He says. She throws fire at him. He jumps. "Well, that's the last of the students." Douglus says. "Great. I'll do Adam, Bree, and Chase." Mr. Davenport says. This is going to be amazing! I hope. "Yeah, you do that, and the guy who really needs the upgrade will just stand right here wishing he was actually part of the family." Leo says. "Oh Leo, relax." Ellie says.

"Ok Adam, we'll do you first." Douglus says. The machine makes the 'I don't feel like working today' sound. "It's probibly searching for his brain." Bree says. "Bree let's try you." Mr. Davenport says. It doesn't work for her either. This is so weird. It was working just fine this morning. "Chase." He says. I come over. It doesn't work for me eaither. Don't say it, don't say it. "Probibly because their bionics are first generation. We built the upgrade for the students infuastruchture. It must not be compatible for their older systems." Douglus says. Ugh, he said it.

"If all the students are more advanced than us that means that Adam, Bree, and I are...Obsolete." I say with a frown on my face. This is rediculous. I'll figure out a way to get it work.

Ellie's P.O.V.:

The hydro-loop opens up showing my twin brother & a police officer. "Oh, here we go." I say. "Douglus Davenport." The police officer says. "Officer Nicholes. I haven't seen you seince I scaled that wall." Dad says. "Is this your son?" He asks him. "Yes. What did he do?" Douglus says. "He's been running around using his bionics. He should be going to juvenile detention, but that's the last place I want a punk with bionics, so I'm giving him another chance, as long as you promise to keep him under control." Officer Nicholes says. "Thank you officer. I can promise you that this will never happen again." Dad says. The officer leaves by hydro-loop.

"What were you thinking?! Allowing him to leave this acadamy with his bionics activated?" Mr. Davenport says. "He promised me that he wouldn't use it." Dad says. Wow. "He's a 7th grade boy dad, cut him some slack." I say backing up my twin. "They have a point. When I first got my bionic arm..." Leo started. "Quiet Leo!" Dad yelled. "Already then." He says. I try not to laugh at that. I mean he's a 7th grade boy. 7th Grade boys tend to do things that are dumb. Mr. Davenport pulls his brother aside. "What are you gonna do here Douglus? This is your first chance to step up and be a dad." Mr. Davenport says. "You're right. Daniel, as long as your parents approve I'm inrolling you into the bionic acadamy." Dad says.

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