Chapter 2: Speed Trapped:

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       "Tonight's the Night! The new frozen yogurt shop is opening up

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       "Tonight's the Night! The new frozen yogurt shop is opening up. 52 flavors and only 4 of them are sugar free." Chase says excitedly. Bree looks at him quizically like being excited about sugar free flavors are dorkey. "Oh, who are you kidding, you passed out when you descovered nailpolish." He continues. True. "Sorry, you guys are coming straght home after school. So no flavors, no, fro-yo, no hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies." Mr. Davenprot says. "Seriously?" I ask. "'Bros, peeps, and homies' no, just no." Bree says. "What's got you so grouchy? Did they run out of human footstools at the rich guy club?" Leo asks. I stiffle a laught. "Did you forget that your buddy Marcus found the lab yeaterday?" Mr. Davenport asks. He doesn't have to remind us. We were there. "Oh, so it's our fault that your billion-dollor smart-home system didn't stop him?" I ask. "I was just about to say the same thing." Bree says smiling.

        "Don't go there supergirls; I was getting my beuaty sleep. Something you two might want to look into." Eddy says. "Does he have a plug? Because I would really like to yank it!" Bree and I say at the same time. "Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Mr. Davenport says pointing at Leo and me. "Well technically someone pulled Leo & Ellie away allowing Marcus to roam free." I say pointing to Mr. Davenport. "Guys I think you're talking about each other." Adam says. "Ya think?" I ask.

"Bottom line I'm keeping a tighter leash on you three. And Leo, Ellie, because I can't always be there, you two have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them." Mr. Davenport tells up. "No problem Big D. We might have let one goon too close but we won't let anymore 'Marcus' slip threw the cracks. From now on you can call us the Enforcers." Leo says. "Yeah, I'm not calling myself that." I say. I know, I know Leo can be a bit over the top. 

"The hammer is down people. No more talking to guys," points to Bree, "No more talking to girls," points to Adam, "No more helping old ladies to their cars." Leo finally points to Chase. "He was helping your grandmother." I say. "Trust no one!" Leo says. "It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here!" Mr. Davenport says excitedly. "What? What is it?" Bree and I ask. "Just come here." Mr. Davenport replies. We go to the geroge; "Meet the world's first self-driving car. That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get anymore awesome, BOOM! I got more awesome!" He says. "And BOOM! I still want to be dropped off a block away from school." Bree says.

"So how does this thing drive itself?" Leo asks. Leo I was thinking the same thing. He does it work and wouldn't it be dangerus. Remember when Eddy got that virus? Ugh. "Oh, well, uh, see this panel on top? It receives a satellite signal and sends all the pertinent information to the car's on-board computer and voila, it drives itself! Hey, did I mention, by the way, that this car goes 200 miles an hour? No? That's because it goes 300!" Mr. Davenport says. "300 Miles Per Hour?! Isn't that dangerus if someone bad gets his or her hands on it?" I ask. "Well yes but still it is pretty awesome." Mr. Davenport says.

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