Chapter 35: Ellie Meets Unconsciousness, Not A Coma Part 2

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Bree's P.O.V.: At the Hospital:

I'm standing by a hospital bed waiting for Ellie to wake up. It's been about 2 weeks and she still hasn't woken up. The good news is, it's not a coma, she's just unconscious. We just thought it was but, the doctors say it's not. I think that's amazing news! I'm still really worried though. "Bree, I think you should go home, I'll watch after Ellie for a while." Chase says to me. I am definitely not leaving her side. "I said it 2 weeks ago and I'll say it again, I'm not leaving her side. You can stay too if you want but, I'm not leaving." I say to Chase.

There is no way that I'm leaving my little sister when she's in a hospital bed. She's ought to wake up sometime. It could be today or it could be tomorrow. It could even be 2 months! No matter what, I'm not just going to abandon her. No matter how uncomfortable these chairs are! I know that she's not going to die because that would not be the ending to her book that she would want. I know that I'm writing in her journal/book but, I want her to know how much I care about her. I'm going to use this opportunity to show her how much I care about her and to tell her how much we all care.

'Hey guys, I'm writing a letter to Ellie for Ellie when she wakes up. What should I say from you all?' I ask the team on our group chat on our phones. 'You are an important part of the team and we miss you so much! We hope you get better as soon as you can.' Chase texts. I've got something from Chase so that's good. 'Get well soon! We're all thinking of you everyday and we're hoping that you're OK when you wake up. You have done so much for us.' Oliver texts. Okay, I've got something from Oliver. 'You risk so much for other people and we all love you so much. You have a heart of gold and we hope to see you soon.' Skylar texts. Okay, something from Skylar. I'm kind of worried on what Kaz is going to say.

'We really hope you come home soon. Remember when you wake up, hope is the best word in the world. Think of that and you'll feel a warmth in your heart.' Kaz texts. Wow, that was very profound. I start to write the letter.

'Dear Ellie,

This is Bree and the team and I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you how much we care about you and how much you mean to us. I asked them to tell me some things that they would want me to tell you from them. I hope they make you happy and loved. I'll start with what Chase said. He says, 'We are an important part of the team and we miss you so much!' We all feel this way, even if you don't feel like an important member of the team right now, know that you are and you have a special place in our hearts.

Oliver says, 'Get well soon! We're all thinking of you everyday and we're hoping that you're okay when you wake up. You have done so much for us.' He wants you to know how much we appreciate you. It's finally time for us to do something for you. You are amazing!

Skylar says, 'You risk so much for other people and we all love you so much. You have a heart of gold and we hope to see you soon.' I agree with her. You have saved so much people and you have no idea how many people admire you for that. We sure do. It's wonderful how much you care for others.

Kaz says, 'We really hope you come home soon. Remember when you wake up, hope is the best word in the world. Think of that and you'll feel a warmth in your heart.' I think Kaz has an excellent point. I remember you once writing 'Hope is never lost.' and that's how everyone feels right now. You sould feel that too.

And last but not least, me. I had to think about this for a long time to figure out what exactly to say. I think you're one of the kindest, courageous girls I know. You think that one of my heroes is someone famous that I've heard of but don't really know, but after all you've done, you're my real hero. We're all here for you! I hope you've enjoyed this letter. Like your favorite charecter in a book says, 'No reason to worry.'*


Bree, Chase, Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar'

I write. I don't know how she writes how much she does without her wrist hurting. I also finally learned what her lump on her finger is! It's a writer's lump. A writer's lump is something a writer gets when they write too much. I had no idea that happens! I noticed it a week ago and I was worried that it was something serious.

One week later: Bree's P.O.V.:

I suddenly see something amazing. I see Ellie start to stir! She groans. "What happened? Did we win?" Ellie asks. "Yeah, we did thanks to you!" I say to her with a smile. Finally! She's awake. I text the team to tell them. A few minutes later we see them come rushing in! "We came as soon as we heard!" Oliver says. "Ellie, we're so happy to see you awake!" Chase says. Chase comes over to hug me. She grimaces.

Ellie's P.O.V.:

"Thanks. Why do I feel a burning sensation in my ribs?" I ask them. "Mr. Terror blasted you after you took her down and we sent her to prison where she really can't get out this time." Oliver explains. A nurse comes into the room. "Oh good, you're finally up." the nurse says. "How are you feeling?" The nurse asks me. I don't want to complain but, I kind of have to tell her about what happend. I can't lie. "I'm feeling a burning sensation in my chest." I tell the nurse. "I'm going to need to call the doctor. I'm sorry but you five have to go." The nurse says.

My friends protest but they leave. A few hours later my chest doesn't feel any better. "Hello. I'm glad to see you're awake. My name is Doctor Sue and I'll be giving you a check-up. First I'll check your ribs." She tells me. Thank goodness the doctor is a girl. She touches where my ribs are. I wince. "Does it hurt to touch it?" She asks me. I nod in pain from my ribs. "I'll get an X-ray set up for you." The Doctor says to me. "You can come back in." she says. Who can come back in?

My friends come back in from the hallway and I see five people who I did not expect to see. Mr. Davenport, Leo, Adam, Tasha, and Danial! I don't believe it! "Surprise!" Leo says. "How did you all get here?" I ask them. "We took my privet jet." Mr. Davenport says. I should've known. "We wrote you something." Bree says to me. She hands me a letter. "Thank you! I love it. I'll keep it in my keep-safe." I say to them. I'm so glad to be alive, and awake. I'm feeling kind of woozy though.

A few minutes later I'm in an How awful is that?! After we're done they bring me back to my bed. "I'll have the results in about an hour or two." the doctor says. "So, I'll be able to go home soon?" I ask excitedly. "It depends on what's going on with that rib of yours." Doctor Sue says. Ugh, so I'm stuck here until I get results and cured? This is a nightmare! This just got crazy.

A few hours later:

"Well, I have good news and bad news." Doctor Sue says to me. "Tell me the bad news first doc, I can take it!" I say to her, acting dramatic. Haha. Classic! "The bad news is that you have a fractured rib cage. The good news is that it'll heal itself in six weeks. You can go home." She says. "Yes! I can finally go home." I say with a smile. Whoo-hoo! I'm going home, the bad guy is defeated and nothing bad is happening for once! I guess it would be nice to have a break. Hahahahahahaha! Mental sigh. I can't believe it. There isn't any mystery. It kind of feels like...this is the end. Have I finished my book? It kind of feels like it doesn't it. Wait a second...I just know that my adventures can't be over. I'm going to start a new book! 34 chapters is a bit much for someone 13+ to read.

*Keeper Of The Lost Cities, Sharron Messenger. Alan Vacker.

A/N: Yes, it's true. This is the last chapter of Lab Rats: Douglas' Daughter. But don't you worry! I am working on a sequal so, hold on tight, it's going to be a dozy. See you all later. My new one is going to be called 'Lab Rats: Douglas' Daughter 2: Her story isn't over yet.' I'll still publish as I go as usual for the next one and will have the first chapter up by tomorrow. Thank you all so much for reading! And also if you're one of those people who just reads fanfictions and really wants to write one but isn't really sure if they're ready...don't wait to be ready. I'm constantly making errors and mistakes and I'm already writing it. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Bye! 

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