={Chapter 4: Discussion}=

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The next day Bryan came into work with his average fake smile and rude attitude, walking downstairs into the main dining room to check on the animatronics before going to his office. Bryan quickly noticed that nobody was on the main stage, confusing Bryan for a second before he went upstairs to the daycare area, finding the same group as yesterday, now accompanied by Cloudy, Moon and Sun, in the daycare, standing in front of the rocket ship sleeping area on Moon's side of the daycare. Walking up to the group, Bryan could see how uncomfortable Nobe was in the presence of Sun and Moon now that he switched sides, and Sun and Moon kept sneaking glares at the rabbit, but oddly didn't pay Molten much attention. "Hey guys, is everything alright up here?" Bryan asked with a curious tone and expression as he walked up and stood protectively next to Gregory, trying not to make it obvious that he knew of Sun and Moon's betrayal. "Sort of-, Molten and Moon were arguing a bit, but other than that, nothing's going on," Lolbit responded with a slightly nervous tone and a small smile. "Arguing? About what?" Bryan asked as he gave both Moon and Molten a curious and expectant expression. "Nothing important, Moon's just being a bitch, he keeps trying to start an argument with everyone, especially me and Nobe, he also threatened Gregory, he just got me a little pissed, and sorry for my language Gregory," Molten replied with a hateful tone as he glared at Moon, his tone becoming soft and his expression becoming apologetic as he apologized to Gregory for his cussing. "'Nothing important'? Gregory being threatened is pretty important Molten," Bryan responded with a hint of hate in his tone as he glared at Moon and gave Molten a questionable expression. "Well-, yea I know that, I said 'nothing important' because I don't think Moon would carry out his threat, according to the others, he's been threatening people ever sense he was built, so far he's only killed Nobe, so he's carried out one threat out of a countless amount," Molten replied with a slightly nervous tone and an confused expression as he picked up on Bryan's attitude quickly.

"Hm, I suppose you have a point there. Moon, stop trying to start things up, Molten, Lolbit, I expect you two to keep everything under control while I'm working on paper work, you two are the most responsible in this group and I've known you two longest, I'll be in my office if anyone needs me," Bryan stated with a slightly annoyed tone before walking away with a careless expression, causing Molten to let out a small, confused and frustrated growl as he pinned his ears back and down against his head and frown at Bryan as he walked away. "You ok Molten? You look upset," Steve asked with a worried tone as he placed a hand on Molten's bicep area of his arm, being to short to comfortably lay his hand on Molten's shoulder. "Yea, just a bit frustrated with Bryan's mood," Molten replied simply as he forced his frustration back down, not daring to get mad at Steve, knowing how sensitive he is. "Bryan's been like that for a while, about ten months now, he started acting like this a month after he got his portal ability thing," Sun stated as he crossed his arms over his chest with a curious expression, looking towards the stairs that led to the first floor of the daycare. "You mean his portal powers? Has he been using his powers while I've been gone?" Molten asked with a hint of worry in his tone as he crossed his arms over his own chest. "Yea, he opened two portals on accident and I'm pretty sure he went to mess with the portal at Freddy Land a few times, he also had random headaches, once he fainted due to stress and a few times he had to sit down until his headache stopped, I believe his headaches and fainting was linked to his portal abilities," Sun replied with a simple tone and the same curious expression. "There was also a time that Gator had went up to spy on Bryan's and Helpy's conversation, and he seemed to have discovered something but Bryan erased his memory of the past month or two," GlamRock Foxy stated with a curious tone and expression as he walked up and stood next to Steve. "And one time we asked Helpy why Bryan was acting the way he is and she kept saying access denied, and we asked her a bunch of random questions, trying to get as much information on Bryan as we could, and we asked how Bryan was doing physically, and she said access denied, I personally don't think Bryan would deny access to that without a reason," GlamRock Freddy added into the conversation with a skeptical tone. Molten thought about this information for a moment before he realized something, causing him to freeze for a moment as his ears drew back. "Lolbit, keep an eye on Gregory and try to keep a fight or argument from breaking out, I'll be right back," Molten stated abruptly before he speed walked out of the daycare and to Bryan's office, throwing the sliding doors open aggressively before walking into the glass case like part of Bryan's office.

"Bryan, I want you to answer me truthfully, were you using or messing with the portal and your abilities while I was in the sewers?" Molten asked with a small growl in his throat as he placed his hands on Bryan's desk and closed Bryan's computer, quickly earning an annoyed scowl from Bryan. "No? Why are you asking?" Bryan replied with an annoyed tone as he glanced away and looked at the floor for a second, refusing to keep eye contact with Molten, allowing Molten to know the truth. "Bryan, I warned you about this. How bad has it damaged your body? Physically I mean, I can already tell it's given you an entirely different personality," Molten replied with a sigh as he spoke with a quiet and slightly aggravated tone. "It really isn't as bad as you think, you always think the worst of things, now can you leave me to my work?" Bryan replied with the same annoyed tone and gave Molten another scowl before opening his computer again, which Molten quickly shut it back and kept his hand on it so Bryan couldn't open it again. "Bryan, you've done this before, I'm glad to see at least a little bit of your past self is still there, stop being so stubborn when someone's worried about you, tell me how much it's damaged you, please," Molten replied as he forced his frustration down again, his tone and gaze becoming soft and filled with nothing but worry. "I-, I'm fine, stop bothering me about this," Bryan replied, getting slightly nervous at the conversation, knowing Molten won't leave until he gets an answer. Molten gave Bryan a disappointed expression before his expression abruptly changed to curious, and moved his hand up towards Bryan's face, which Bryan flinched at and pulled away from Molten at this movement, but settled again as Molten grabbed Bryan's chin and stared into Bryan's eyes with a puzzled expression, causing Bryan to tense. "Bryan, your eyes are turning purple," Molten mumbled as he let go of Bryan's chin and backed up. Bryan moved Molten's hand off of his computer and turned his computer off as he opened the computer, using the black screen as a reflection so he could see his eyes, now noticing that a corner in both of his brown pupils were purple. "How bad has it hurt you?" Molten pressed on with a slightly impatient and worried tone, slowly closing Bryan's computer again.

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