={Chapter 50: Planning}=

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Molten walked into Bryan's office to see Bryan sitting in his office chair, with his elbows resting on his desk as he held his head in his hands, developing a worry in Molten as Molten walked up to Bryan and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" Molten asked with a soft tone, slightly leaning down, knowing he'd need to be a bit closer when Bryan mumbles a response through his hands, which Bryan did just that as he replied. "Yea, just stressed about the multi-verse portal thing."
"That's understandable. I think it'd be best if Vanny got Nobe for us, it'd be impossible for us to sneak in and back out completely unnoticed. As for the portal, there's not much we can do, unless we manage to convince Vanny to sabotage it," Molten replied with a low grumble, not much worried anymore at hearing what was wrong with Bryan. "Yea, I'll agree with you on that. But I think Nobe should be the main priority, because they have no reason to keep him alive down there, so the longer we wait to get him back, the more of a risk it is that they kill him," Bryan stated in response as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, staring at nothing as he tried to think. "Fair point, when should we try to get him? And we'd need to talk to Vanny, but we have no way of contacting her," Molten replied with a slightly bored tone, not really sure wether they could do anything at all. "GlitchTrap isn't stupid, unfortunately so, he thinks that we believe Vanny is still locked up in the basement, so at some point he'll send her to play dumb in her cage, but obviously she doesn't need to, so we could just sit here and watch the cameras until she shows up, and go down there once she's sent up by GlitchTrap," Bryan suggested with a curious tone and expression, looking to Molten to receive Molten's thought on the matter. "That's not a bad idea. See? Told you you've always been the smartest one," Molten mumbled with a small smile and an approving tone, leaning down behind Bryan and loosely wrapping his arms around Bryan's neck from behind as he placed a soft kiss on Bryan's cheek, receiving a giggle from Bryan at the compliment.

"Vanny! Come here," Molten stated as he and Bryan walked into the basement, seeing Vanny just about to walk into her cage. "Make it quick, I still have to sit in here for most of the day so we don't have to erase the footage, since Glitch has access to the cameras, I don't want him noticing so much footage erased," Vanny replied with a gruff tone as she walked up to the two. "We need to get Nobe as soon as possible, GlitchTrap can kill him at any time, he has no use for Nobe. And we'd like to request that you somehow sabotage the portal they're making," Molten stated quickly, not liking he was doing as Vanny requested, but was trying to hurry the process of receiving Nobe as soon as they could. "Well, I'm not sure what you want me to say, Glitch only lets me mess with the batteries until I've earned his and Nightmare's trust, so I can't and won't be able to sabotage it for a while, as for Nobe, he's seemed to have given up on hope, so he might just be a lost cause, because it'll take another few days for me to be left alone with him, which he'll probably be dead by then," Vanny replied with a low tone, crossing her arms over her chest as she gazed at the floor, knowing the two wouldn't like this response. "Vanny, we're doing it now, I'm not risking losing Nobe. Go back down and tell GlitchTrap and Nightmare you have an idea for the multi-verse portal, host a sort of group meeting, if you can't come up with a fake idea, than give them actual advice if you have to, I'll be down there in three minutes, I'll grab Nobe and get back out," Molten stated with a low growl, receiving a shocked glance from Vanny and Bryan before Vanny nodded and walked back to the fake closet.

"Are you sure about this? It's only the second day since Vanny joined them, they'll have all the reason to suspect she helped us get Nobe back, and then they'll kill her, and we're not letting that happen if she's a new ally," Bryan stated with a nervous tone as he placed a hand on Molten's shoulder. "I'm sure, and I can just yell at Vanny to come back up with me and Nobe, besides, have you met me? Nobody could lay a hair on me, I took a rocket to the chest from Shadow Freddy when he-, when he killed Lefty, so I think I'm capable of protecting the two while I'm down there," Molten replied with a calm and joking tone, pausing for a second at the topic of Lefty, before shrugging Bryan's hand from his shoulder and wrapping an arm around Bryan's shoulders. "Well don't do anything stupid, don't do something I wouldn't do," Bryan replied with a small, nervous smile. "I won't, I don't think I'll do anything you would do either though," Molten replied with a light humorous chuckle. Bryan pulled Molten into a tight hug and pressed his head against Molten's chest as he wrapped his arms around Molten's back, which Molten responded to by wrapping his arms around Bryan's waist. "All joking aside though, please be careful, and stay safe, I don't know what I'd do without you," Bryan mumbled with a soft and worried tone, ever so slightly tightening his embrace on Molten. "I will, I promise, and I don't know what I'd do with you either," Molten replied softly with a loving smile before he kissed the top of Bryan's head, and loosened his arms around Bryan's waist, which Bryan caught the hint and let go of Molten. Molten cupped Bryan's face in his hands before softly kissing Bryan, and quickly walking towards the fake closet afterwards, giving Bryan one last smile, praying to himself that he could keep his promise to Bryan.

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