={Chapter 17: Easy Morning}=

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Molten was the first one to wake up the next morning, while Gregory, Nobe and Bryan were all still asleep in the same positions they fell asleep in last night. Molten rolled over onto each of his sides a few times, trying to fall back asleep before turning onto his back again and sitting up, rubbing his face as he slowly pushed away the blanket that was covering him before standing up and looking outside, seeing it was well past sunrise, before turning to Bryan's alarm clock on his nightstand and seeing it was 7:30a.m.. Molten let out an amused huff as he knew that Bryan would freak out for sleeping in once he awoke, before walking out of the room as he began smoothing down some of his chest fur that was heavily ruffled now from how much he moved around in is sleep, arriving in the hotel's kitchen on the middle floor after a short walk up a few stairs and began rummaging through the cabinets, looking at what supplies he has to work with.

Bryan woke up about thirty minutes after Molten got up, switching onto his right side before opening his eyes and looking at his alarm clock, seeing it was 8:03a.m. as he sat up quickly and threw himself out of bed, not noticing Molten's absence. "Shit shit shit shit," Bryan mumbled to himself in frustration as he pulled out a pair of clothes from his dresser and jogged towards his door, freezing as he heard what sounded like the faint sound of breaking glass above the room, groaning as he decided to see what it was before getting dressed, climbing up a few stairs quickly, heading up to the kitchen for that was the only place any glass was above his room. Bryan paused and stared at Molten with a confused expression, while Molten didn't notice Bryan's presence as he threw the rest of the glass into a nearby trash can before looking at his left hand, seeing the large piece of glass sticking out of his palm, slowly grabbing the glass piece with his right hand before quickly pulling it out of his hand. "Fucking hell!" Molten yelled at himself as he let out what sounded like a robotic hiss before throwing the last piece of broken glass into the trash can, holding his hand out in front of him as the gash started to leak out a bit of oil. "What the hell did you do?" Molten jumped at the voice, whipping his head around quickly, finally noticing Bryan's presence as he let out a nervous laugh. "I dropped a plate and tried to catch it," Molten replied simply with a small, nervous smile as he glanced back down at his hand that was still 'bleeding'. "Do you know what time it is?" Bryan asked with a worried expression yet he spoke with a stern tone as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yea, it's about eight right now, I thought I'd let you sleep in, I made breakfast," Molten replied as he turned to the cabinet with plates in it, carefully grabbing a plate with one hand in order not to get oil on it and placed it on the counter before he grabbed a plastic spatula and plopped two pancakes onto the plate, which Bryan noticed and froze in confusion at before walking around the counter that separated the kitchen and the dining room to see that there were two plates that each had a fork and two pancakes on it, a bottle of syrup sitting next to the plates, and Molten sat the third plate down next to the other two before turning to Bryan with a confident smirk. "Wha-, how do you know how to make pancakes-?" Bryan asked with a confused tone and expression as he forgot about running late due to his amount of confusion. "If you spend enough time around Lolbit and Ballora, you learn a thing or two, I made the third plate for Nobe since he's somehow made out of flesh, I of course can't eat though so I didn't make anything for myself, obviously," Molten replied with a confident smirk and a proud tone as he watched Bryan's reaction, letting out a light chuckle as Bryan's expression gave away that, although he was still a bit confused, he was impressed.

"I can't eat the pancakes though, I've gotta get to the pizza plex, I'm over an hour late and I've got a lot of-," Bryan began as he shook his head and remembered why he was out of bed in the first place, turning and beginning to walk away as he was speaking before Molten grabbed Bryan's arm with his good hand and pulled him back, letting out a slightly amused huff at how quickly Bryan shut up as he did such. "You can take one day off, nobody's there except for the other animatronics, nobody's going to care if you don't show up today," Molten stated as he let go of Bryan's arm, speaking with a soft tone and giving Bryan a small, amused smile. "But I've got a lot of work to do and what if Dr. Vendi does another one of his surprise check-ins?" Bryan replied quickly with a slightly nervous tone as he began to back up a bit and head towards the stairs behind him, once again being grabbed by Molten on the arm. "I said no, who gives a shit about that asshole anyways, and not a single thing you have to work on is due today, tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, just relax and take a day off, if anything comes up then I'll go deal with it, you deserve a break," Molten stated with a worried tone and a slightly stern expression, smiling a little once Bryan reluctantly nodded his head, making Molten let go of his arm. "Can we at least get a bandage on your hand so you don't leak oil everywhere until I can fix it?" Bryan asked with a playfully annoyed tone and gave Molten a small smirk before Molten nodded his own head in response, letting out a low chuckle as Bryan began to lead him to the hotel bathroom, which was on the first floor. Bryan slung the clothes he was still carrying over his shoulder before he grabbed a med kit out from under one of the three bathroom sinks and pulled out a roll of bandaging, wrapping as much was needed around Molten's hand before pulling a pair of small scissors from the med kit and cutting the bandage from the roll, tying the bandage around Molten's hand before putting the scissors and roll of bandaging back into the med kit and putting it back under the sink and turned to Molten as he stood up straight. "How's it feel?" Bryan asked with a stern yet worried tone as he took Molten's hand and held the back of Molten's hand in his palm, lightly caressing Molten's now wrapped palm, testing the pain receptors in Molten's hand, applying a bit of pressure which Molten slightly winced at. "It hurts a little when pressure's applied, but I'll be fine until you can fix it," Molten replied as he slowly pulled his hand away from Bryan with a reassuring smile, which Bryan nodded to in response before walking out of the bathroom and heading back upstairs to the kitchen, Molten following behind him.

"Hey, you wanna go wake up Gregory and Nobe while I set up a table for you three to eat at?" Molten asked as the two got on the floor that Bryan's room was on. "Sure, but try not to hurt yourself anymore while I'm gone," Bryan replied with a teasing smile before walking to his room, as Molten let out a playfully annoyed snort before continuing up the stairs to the dining room in front of the kitchen. Bryan walked into his room to see Gregory and Nobe still sound asleep, which he smiled at a little before walking over to his dresser and putting the clothes he was originally going to change into for work back in their respective drawers before walking over to Gregory's bed, slightly bending over and lightly shaking Gregory's shoulder, waking Gregory up after a few seconds, making a humming sound as he rolled from his stomach over onto his right side, facing Bryan. "Get up, we're going to stay here today, I'm taking the day off, it's a little after eight and Molten already made breakfast for you, me and Nobe," Bryan stated with a quiet tone before standing up straight, walking over to Nobe and kneeling down next to his blowup mattress. "Molten made breakfast?" Gregory asked with a tired tone and a confused expression as he slowly sat up, rubbing the blur of sleep from his eyes. "Mhm, pancakes, weird isn't it?" Bryan replied before shaking Nobe awake the same way he woke Gregory, Nobe woke up only after a few seconds of this as well as Gregory walked out of the room and headed up to the kitchen, not bothering to change out of his pajamas as he saw that Bryan didn't change either. "Y-Yea?" Nobe asked sleepily as he looked up at Bryan with a confused and slightly nervous expression. "Molten made pancakes, I'm taking the day off today so we're staying at the theme park until tomorrow, me, Molten and Gregory will be upstairs in the dining room," Bryan informed Nobe with a quiet tone before standing up and walking out of the room, letting Nobe take his time to get up.

Bryan walked into the public dining room to see Molten holding Gregory's head above the kitchen sink, holding Gregory in place by his shoulders with a smirk as the water faucet was running. "What do you two think you're doing?" Bryan asked with both a confused and slightly amused tone, which Gregory and Molten both quickly whipped their heads towards him at the sound of his voice, Molten quickly turning off the sink faucet before letting go of Gregory and backing away from him. "He was going to put my head under the faucet and get me soaked!" Gregory replied with a yell and a whining tone as he ran and hid behind Bryan, peaking out from behind Bryan's back. "Only because he said I couldn't cook!" Molten replied defensively with an offended tone as he put his hands up defiantly. "Only because you burnt my pancake!"
"It's the tiniest little spec of black dammit!"
"It's still burnt! Just not a lot!"
"You're just trying to start an argument!"
"It's funny! And don't act like you aren't keeping the argument going!"
"You started it though!"
Gregory stuck out his tongue at Molten with a playful smirk, which Molten let out an offended "Hey!" at before walking around the counter and towards Gregory and Bryan, causing Gregory to quickly hide behind Bryan entirely. "Alright, you two stop it! Gregory, apologize for saying that Molten can't cook," Bryan stated with a playfully stern tone as he placed a single hand against Molten's chest and pushed him back a bit. "Sorry," Gregory mumbled with a playfully annoyed tone and expression as he stepped out from behind Bryan. "Now Molten, apologize for practically trying to drown Gregory," Bryan instructed with the same playfully stern tone as he took his hand off of Molten's chest and crossed his arms over his own chest, which Molten silently whined at the loss of feeling Bryan's hand on his chest before pushing away the thought as he replied with the same playfully annoyed tone and expression as Gregory. "Sorry."
"Good, now Gregory sit down and begin eating, Molten would you mind making me some coffee?" Bryan stated with an amused tone before Gregory sat down at the table that had the three plates on it and began eating, while Molten nodded with a small smile and walked back into the kitchen towards a coffee machine. Nobe walked into the dining room right as Bryan sat down next to Gregory and began eating the pancakes as well, which were somewhat surprisingly good, Nobe sat down on the other side of Gregory and stared at the food in front of him for a moment before trying it, immediately liking it as he continued to eat. "Here you go, caramel coffee with four cups of creamer, that's how you like it right?" Molten asked as he placed a cup of coffee in front of Bryan. "Yes, thank you," Bryan replied as he continued eating the pancakes while Molten sat next to Bryan, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest as he gave the group at the table a confident smirk. "You do realize you can eat right? You'd just have to clean out your stomach compartment later," Bryan stated as he looked at Molten with a curious smile. "Yea, but it'd just be a waste of a struggle when I don't need to eat," Molten replied simply before taking Bryan's phone out of Bryan's sweat pants pocket and scrolling on some social media apps for entertainment until the group finished eating, which Bryan let out an amused sigh at as he was used to Molten doing this action at this point, for he had been taking Bryan's phone for about a year now.

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