Chapter III

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3 weeks have passed. 3 weeks of boredom, sitting, standing, walking, talking, laying, and staring. Allen has come in only once everyday but finally today he has news. "Your safe, for now"

"How did you do it?" I'm so glad i'm in the clear, "Let's just say as far as anyone knows, your in Canada." I decided not to argue with that. "So where do I go from here" He stares at me for a moment.  "I'll let you go outside but first we need to disguise you in case they do recognize you, come upstairs."

I follow him to the second floor of the factory until we reach a room full of items including clothes, boxes, and used cans. He starts looking for a good outfit.  I decide to ask him some questions "So what's the date anyways, I've been here for a while and I don't even know the day." He stops for a moment and looks at me. "June 1, 2572. It's a Monday, 6:00." That was more information then I asked for but I just nodded.

"And where are we exactly? Are we even in America?" Allen notices something and picks it up "Yeah, it's America, were in New California." Allen picks up some shades and a trench coat . "Before you ask, back in 2300, California and Nevada united as one super state, It was originally an act of rebellion due to a harsh president, Oliver Redd, but later everything calmed down and they just left the states like that."

He hands me the brown trench coat, black shades, dark jeans, and a white t-shirt. "So there's 49 states?" I head for the door to get dressed "No still 50, Puerto Rico was added in the year 2030 or 2031, I forget, now go get dressed, you know where the bathroom.

I walk out head for the bathroom passing by some guys chatting and Eva who I quickly stop by to say hello and keep moving.

I reach the bathroom go in a stall and dress up. Two minutes later I walk out and look in the mirror. I don't think it's enough. my dark brown hair is still a bit recognizable, although I have begun to grow a beard which could help but not soon enough. I walk out and find Allen talking to another man who's name I can't remember.

"I don't know if this is good enough." He stares at me "It will be fine for now, I'll show you around the city and we'll bring Eva along, she hasn't been outside for a while either" I say OK and greet Eva and we keep walking. Outside Allen's car is parked and we get in. Once we go in the city he drives up to a large building. "This is the mall, I need errands and I need you two to help me. We get out of the car and walk in the building. Inside it looks similar to a regular mall although not as crowded or full. In a low voice Allen begins to talk "Most people buy things online thanks to delivery drones but somethings you can't get online." The directory's are all holograms now, there are screens and camera around every turn. I begin to get nervous about my disguise.

Allen pulls out two lists. "Here find these and Logan, if someone asks your name is Nathan Acevedo." He walks away, me and Eva split up. I look at he list. What's a "Quickpaste kit" I walk up to the directory. It's not helpful in my case. I saw a man sitting down by a large fountain. "Excuse me sir do you know where I can find a Quickpaste kit?" The man stands up and points down the hall to a small store called Heights Pride. "Thank you" I keep walking and I notice drones flying above with what I guess is a camera on them. They Just look at each person trying to monitor everything but then one of them stops at me for moment, a light on it turns red and it keeps moving like normal. I begin to get nervous and head for the store.

I walk inside and see a elderly man "Excuse me do you have a Quickpaste kit?" he points to a shelf. As I walk to it I realize I don't have money. Maybe Allen knew that and forgot to add that money works differently here. I sure hope so. I see a box labeled Quickpaste kit. "well one down four more things to get." I grab the box and turn around and see a security guard talking to the man quietly and the man nods and points at me. I act casual and walk to them. "I'll buy this." He scans the box and says "That will be $15.49 upfront or 16.49 to pay later." I think I understand "Uh... I'll pay later." Nervously the old man nods and I walk away while the guard stares at me leaving.

Out of no where Allen is running to me. "What did you do!" he says it quietly but with anger. "What do you mean? Nothing... I don't think." He sighs as he takes me farther from the guard. "No, tell me everything from when you walked in!" I think "Well after talking to you I tried to find the Quickpaste kit but I didn't know where to look so I asked a man by the fountain for directions and..." Allen looks over to the fountain "Logan... did the man speak to you?" confused I say no. "Okay so you spoke to him and he didn't say a word? what was he wearing?" I try and remember "yeah he didn't talk, he wore a green turtle neck and brown hat, aaand... khakis." Allen is furious now, I can see it in his face "no no! That wasn't a man that was a undercover droid. They hang out in public areas with cameras in their eyes and a recorder in their hand. Your voice was matched to fugitive! We need to leave now." Allen looks around for Eva. We spot her walking above us on the second floor "EVA!" I yell and she looks. Allen waves for her to get to him. She begins to walk faster and the guard starts walking to us "move fast!"

We jog to meet up with Eva by the stairs. "To my car now!" we quickly move to the exit when we begin to hear "Hey you three!" we don't look and keep moving "Stop now!" We pick up our pace. "If you don't stop now I will take action." We almost begin to jog but stay at a fast walk.  The man gets on his phone "I have a possible fugitive on the move who is disobeying my order, I believe more official order is necessary!" We reach the door and sprint to the car. A drone follows us above with a red light on it. People stare at us but we finally make it to the car which is when we hear sirens.

Allen steps on the pedal and begins moving faster than is legal but when i turn around I can see the cops are already on us. The squad cars look almost the same although they seem to be made of some sort of metal as a protection and are a different model than the original. "Lose them at the bridge!" Eva is yelling. The squad cars are very fast but our car is faster. We turn a corner and I can see a blocked off path and fence. Allen goes right through the fence and pushes down on the pedal. I see it's a straight path up a hill. I turn around and only one car made it without losing balance and slowing down. The rest are there but further back.

I realize there is a blocked off bridge that's snapped in half. "Whoa what are you doing!" Eva turns to me, "Trust him he's done this before." Allen slows down and waits for the squad cars to be faster then us, Allen pushes the pedal down the bridge until he's at the point that breaks. The squad cars see us sitting on the edge and slow down but go fast enough to ram us but at the last second Allen moves and the car falls in the water but the other two cars stop on the edge. Allen drives around and rams the other one into the water which leaves on more trying to move away from the ledge so when Allen hit him he didn't go in the water. Luckily Allen didn't stop and continued to push the car into the water. Before it falls in one man gets out of the car but his leg gets stuck and goes down with the car.

"Quick lets leave before more show up!" Allen drives away back to the factory but not until he makes sure no drones followed. Once were home he lets me and Eva out "I need to trash the car, the saw the license." He drives off "he's just gonna wreck that perfectly good car!?"  Eva turns to me "He's very cautious." We walk inside. "Guess I gotta wait inside again." she nods "We all are gonna after all of that." She heads for the beds and I just stare out the window.  This place sucks.

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