Chapter IV

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The Night came quickly and we all got into the beds. I was lucky to get one because i soon realized not everyone got a bed and had to sleep in the main room or just stay up as nightwatch. Unfortunalty I had trouble falling asleep.

There was one clock in the bed rooms and the whole factory, I checked the time and it read 1:30. I got up and head for the bathroom. When I exit the room two men have stayed up whispering. I walk past them and they do a quick salut. I go in the stall and sit down and relax. After I finish I get up to wash my hands but then I hear something "What was that" I hear someone say in a low voice "wha... wait is that a... LOOK-" He get's cut off and it goes silent. I hear someone walk out of the bedrooms and I walk out too. Nobody besides the guy that walked out and everyone sleeping is. The two men vanished. They guy goes back to sleep but I find marks on the ground. They look like lines made in the dusty ground. I think of the worst. The guns were left there so I pick them up.

I walk to the door even though I know I shouldn't leave. Outside I see a car starting up. I run to it seeing the two men knocked out cold in the back. Should I say something? If I run back he'll be gone. Not thinking I run to the front door and yell at him "Hey what are you doing!!!" The man inside looks at me, I don't get a good look at him although I think he's blonde. Allen runs outside with a very small pistol in hand. "HEY! Get out of that car or i'll shoot you!" The driver freezes for a moment then steps out of the car holding a gun behind him.

Before I can say anything he grabs me and holds the gun to my head "I'll shoot him!" he has a russian accent.  Allen holds still thinking his chances. "Put your gun down and i'll let him go..." Allen waits but drops his gun "now kick it to me!" Allen looks down at the gun. I can tell he had a plan but the man is messing it up. He sighs and kicks it. "good good." He pushes me forward but then opens the door and throws me in "HEY!" Allen goes for his gun but the man gets in the car and begins driving away.

People are walking out the door to see the commotion. Allen takes his gun aims and shoots right threw the window but misses the man by an inch. Allen doesn't give up and gets in someone elses car while i'm struggling to get up from a seat with two other sleeping bodies "Wake up!" the man laughs "I drugged them fool! They won't wake up for an hour!" I begin to get up but the man locks the doors and a glass window comes down from the roof seperating me and him.

Allen comes closer and closer but once he's side by side with us the man rams him and pushes him off the path into a tree. "ALLEN!" We keep driving until gas comes out of the bottom of the car. I begin to get sleepy, The glass makes it so the man doesn't smell anything "hey wha... what is this stu..." I fall asleep.

I don't know how long it had been but once I wake up I realize I am tied to a wooden chair. To my left and right are the two other men struggling to get out. In  front of me are two men talking and my kidnapper staring at me. He looks at the two men "Я буду получать от них информацию, то мы будем убивать их , вы понимаете ?" I don't understand but i'm guessing by his accent he was speaking russian. The two other men look nervous but nod. The main man walks up to me "Hello there! My name is Viktor, I will free you in a second but first I have some questions.

He walks to the man next to me "name?" The man next to me is scared but lets out a quiet "uh... G-Greg" Viktor nods "Who is your leader" Greg stays quiet "Нож !" One of the men in the back brings Viktor a knife "Who is your leader" This time Viktor holds his knife up to Greg's throat "His name is Allen..." Viktor smiles "good, now was that so hard." Greg loosens up a bit as Viktor takes the knife away "I guess not" Viktor stops moving and looks at him, his short blonde hair looks as if it's standing up on his head. Viktor takes the knife and thrusts it into Greg's stomach and leaves it there. "GAH, wha... why." those are his last words "DON'T GET COMFY!" he yells at Greg's dead body. I notice the men in the back have a look of disgust on their face.

He walks to me, "I know who you are, but who are you?" He walks past me to the man on my left "Frank" He didn't hesitate. Viktor gives him a glare but then asks "What kind of plan does this Allen have?" Frank breathes in "He doesn't have a plan..." Viktor walks over to Gregs body and pulls out the bloody knife. " What do you mean doesn't have a plan?" Viktor examines the knife "I-I mean he acts and is a great leader but really on the inside he doesn't know know what to do from here." Viktor lets out a chuckle "That's it? because if your lying I will slice your throat..." he moves in front of Frank "no-no i'm not lying, he wants the government to make the first move" Viktor moves close to him then walks around behind him and cuts his rope so he is free. "You have three seconds to run or you can stay here for more questions then be killed. Frank runs "Three... two... one..." Frank is opening the door and runs outside but just before the door closes Viktor throws his knife right through the closeing doors. All you can hear are loud screams.

Viktor moves to me "Logan Porter, wanted fugitive for being a reborn, evading police pursuit, speeding, and murder." Viktor looks me up and down then turns to his men "Дайте мне топор" One of them gives him an axe "No please!" He walks to me with the axe "I have nothing to for you..." I remember everything Eva said about the reborn, they're stronger, smarter, and quicker so I might as well put that to the test. As he gets close to me I push my self back and kick off of Viktor and rip off the ropes by pushing hard enough. Viktor rushes to me with the axe but I dodge it turn and kick him in the back "OW! Сын собаки !" I rush for the door and the two men stop me but only to give me a pistol "We never liked him anyways" I turn to look at Viktor getting up. I look at my gun but decide not to shoot and I run. As I run out the door I hear Viktor yell "TRAITORS!" and then multiple slashes can be heard from inside.

I'm out side and spot Viktor's car. I don't know how it works so I just bust the window and get in. "HEY! I'll kill you!" I realize in order to start he car I need a ID card to activate it. Future cars appearantly can't be hotwired or anything. I rush out of the car past Viktor and run away. I notice were on a hill, it's pretty chilly, nothing but grass for miles. I run quickly and Viktor is a bit slower. I turn and realize Viktor stopped and turned around. He's heading for his car. In the distance I see a big large white van with blue lights all around . I turn and see Viktor go to the car door but once he see's the van he goes back in the building. The van reaches me and inside I see the driver is in a grey jumpsuit and next to him is a soldier "Oh great..." The driver points to the back "Get in and if you say no it's a three mile walk to any other building plus if you think you can make it back to New California your wrong, welcome to Colorado!" I nod and go to the back of the van. Inside are two other soldiers. The inside of the van is very plain and mostly grey and metal with two benches. I sit down and say to nobody in particular "Where are we going?" The driver begins turn around and driving off "We will take you to Denver where you will stay in prison until a more offical trial is made." I almost smile "I get a trial?!" The man nods "Whenever a reborn is killed it goes unkown by the public but when one escapes they 

would obviously wonder why someone would escape and the more the public digs into all of this the angrier they get." Maybe I can convince the jury to find me innocent and everything can change for me! "Why do you guys kill us if everyone else thinks we deserve a chance?" He looks at me through the mirror "You just don't understand, if you were just normal people with these small diffrences then of course we wouldn't kill you but... you just don't understand." 

This was the first time I began questioning myself. "There's something bigger than what I think isn't there?" The man nods "What is it" Everyone stays silent "Please you just don't understand. You are dangerous. Not just because your more advanced but... You have more power than you think." I get angry "Why can't you tell me!" We begin driving faster "If I tell you I am afraid of how you will react when what I need is for you to contain yourself and your emotions." It is silent the rest of the ride.

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