Chapter VII

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I woke up the next morning around 9:00. I see Ken and Roger eating cereal. I take a seat at their round glass table.  "Morning" Is all Roger says to me. Ken gets up to grab me a bowl and fills it up with a cereal called Acker-Cracks. "So any interesting news?" I ask them.  Ken responds as he grabs me a spoon, "They're still in the courthouse. Some people have helped them and they have barricades all over that block." He gives me the spoon and I start eating. "Where are we anyways, when I left Denver I just went in a random road."  Roger replies "Trinidad, Colorado." I nod and keep eating. I'm still eating when we hear a knock on the door

"Who is here at this time?" They look at me and point upstairs "Get to the attic." I run upstairs. Once I get to the attic I put my hear to the ground. Someone opens the door "Hey, there how can I help you sirs?" Someone moves. "My name is Tyrone and this is my partner Freddy." I got to my bed slowly trying to pull the Beretta U22 Neos from under my pillow. Just in case. I wait to listen "We have reason to suspect you are harboring a fugitive." I hear Roger talk "What? We have never broken a law in our life!" He's lying. "Then you wouldn't mind if we searched the house would you?" There is a moment of silence "Go ahead, but I uh, didn't expect visitors heh, It's a bit messy." I hear them shuffling around. "Why are there three bowls on the table?" Oh no my bowl!  "Oh that's mine, I wanted seconds and forgot to throw out the first"

Ken saved us there but who knows what else I left back there. "Alright your first floor is clear and seeing you don't have a basement I am just going to take a look at your second floor" The man is getting closer but they stay natural "This is my room, over there is Rogers, there is the bathroom..." Ken is practically giving them a tour until they realize there is an attic.

A while passes "Alright your house is safe... except if you don't mind I would like to peak into the attic." NO! I quickly look for a place to hide. I notice a old desk the keep here and rush under it, It is small and doesn't hide a lot it will have to do. I hear the entrance to the attic open "Why's there a mattress and lamp here?" Roger answers "Oh, that's just the guest room, once in a while our cousin comes to visit from Kansas." I hear them all go away Phew. I wait for about five minutes while Ken and Roger say bye.

"Logan, you can come out now!" I hear Ken call me. I come down. "That was to close guys. How did they find out?" Ken shrugs but Roger guesses "Well they have cameras everywhere, one of them might have seen you."I look past Rogers head out the window. A dark  odd shaped van is sitting on the street. I get down "Look!" Ken moves to the window to look at the van "A 2500 Kimura, a.k.a government vehicle." Roger adds "They are waiting us out." I realize I still have the Beretta in my hand "Well I'm ready for a fight if they ask for it." Ken and Roger nod.

I decide to spend the rest of the day in the attic just to be safe. Ken and Roger have covered all the windows in the house with curtains and locked both doors, front and back.

I lay on my bed until I get tired and fall asleep. I open my eyes only to realize i'm dreaming, I am standing still in a crowd. I walk around in the crowd until someone walks right to me and then right through me. What the? I put my shoulder on the guy next to me and it goes right through him. "HELLO" nobody looks at me. They can't hear, see, or feel me.  I am a spectator in this dream. I see a beautiful young woman walking around holding a big bag. She has long brown hair and is in a strange outfit. I think for a second as I look at a man approaching her. He has dark black hair and a a blue vest over a white shirt. I look around again at the buildings there was a restaurant labeled "Gino's" I look back at the man who is now talking to the lady. I don't know what he said but the she blushed and laughed.

A newspaper fly's past me but stops far just  second so I can see it "June 4, 1974" That date is so familiar but I can't tell what it is. I wasn't born until October 14, 1990 so how do I recognize that date? I begin to understand the man and the woman are a couple as I see they do not have a problem with being intimate and kissing. The man stops flirting with her for a second.  The man kneels down and pulls out a ring. He proposed, she nods and begins crying. A bright light flashes and I can't see for a second. When I can see again I am at a wedding. The man and woman are up by the priest. I see another newspaper fly by for no reason again "April 15, 1975" That number is even more familiar but I just can't figure it out until the priest says the words "Do you, Benjamin Porter take Diane Smith as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part." Benjamin Porter That's my fathers name "I do" He replies. And Diane is my mother.

The light flashes again and we are in my childhood home. I am just a baby. My mother and father are yelling, my mother looks at him "Why didn't you tell me Benny?! Why would you like to me!" They both have tears in their eyes "Don't you know what you've done! Not just to me but our son! Benny! How could you..." My father stares at her "Diane..." He try's to put his hand on her shoulder but she pushes it off and grabs my baby self "Is there anyway to help him?" My father looks at her in the eyes "No." My mother looks at me "He may not even live, And he may take others with him. But he is my son and I will make sure I do something to help him."

My father moves close to her "I promise I will save our child." I am still standing unnoticed confused. "Benny the police are looking for you, you might go to jail and our son may too. Please don't let him be you." That's when I hear the sounds of police sirens. "Benjamin Porter come out with you hands up!" My mother told me my father went to prison when I was old enough but I never knew why but I am afraid I am understanding more than I want.

Another flash of light goes off. "I know how to help him." My father is talking to my mother while he is still in prison. I was probably a teen by then. "Find Greg" My mother is confused "Greg? But he's insane!" My father shakes his head "No he's not. He is the only one with a chance to cure our kid." I remember being told my father was killed in jail. Another inmate got angry at him and choked him. He never made it through his 30 years. I close my eyes. To many bad memories. I want to wake up.

My eyes open and i'm lying in bed. Ken is walking to me with a plate "Made you a sandwich" He sets it next to me "Thanks" is all I can get out. He leaves me alone. I try and put the pieces together. My father was like me only he wasn't technically a reborn since he was never frozen, the Greg guy froze us all. Me, Allen, Eva. Eleven of us, only three are left. This is so much to put together. What was supposed to happen to me? Did Greg even cure me? I pick up the sandwich.

I take a bit of the sandwich and close my eyes. Why me? Why did I have to be a reborn. If Greg cured us then people wouldn't be afraid of us. Maybe their is still some evidence of his existence. Maybe he left something behind. Something to help me. Virginia. That is where I have  to go...

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