At the compound

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  I forgot to say their eye and hair color so imma do that now.  Me and my friend have basically the same eye and hair colors and all that and this is based off of us i will change it up. So Layla has brown hair and brown eyes and is white. Kaydence has blonde hair and blue eyes and is white. And katlyn has black hair and brown eyes and is like not completely black but Hispanic so lite brown.

               Nat's pov: 

                Well, I never thought cap would be the one to put me in charge of 3 12 year olds. That's great. I mean i like kids but.... Im not good with kids that are almost teenagers and I've just met. Like Clint's kids are well.... Children not almost teenagers whose parents just died and I just met them. "Excuse me, where are we going after this since you know...our parents died." I don't know their names but the black hair girl asked. "We'll captain America I will just call him cap said that is you guys want maybe you could stay at the compound for a little while if you would like."

                  Katlyns pov:

                  The woman we met seems nice and said we could stay at the compound if we'd like. "We will talk about thanks for the offer." Layla sounded nervous when she said it. I mean who wouldn't be. Kaydence was being a stupid idiot like always and raised her hand. "Um you don't have to raise your hand sweetie." "Oh ok." She was being so stupid but that's how she always is. "Oh you girls know my name but I still need to know your." "Oh yah I'm Kaydence." "I'm Layla" "and I'm Katlyn." I went last because I was nervous to talk. "Well good to know." She said. We were interrupted by someone over a set of speakers saying that we were taking off so we all made sure we buckled up and took off.

                  We took off and looked out the window and saw an amazing but sad view of our home in the destruction. Me and Layla had to calm down Kaydence because she was crying at the view. And Nat didn't seem to know what to do so we said we would calm her down. We spent a good two hours talking and calming down Kaydence and when we looked up we were there. "So do you girls want to come with us to the compound?" Nat asked politely and not forcing. "Umm sure." Layla said just enough so all three of us could hear. Then Nat talked to someone through and earpiece and said we would stay. Then Nat said to get on that jet and she and the avengers would be back after getting everyone to safety. 

Time skip cuz I'm lazy:

Iron Man's pov:

                Me and the rest of the avengers got into the jet and saw two young ladies. They looked at least 12. We sat down and took off and started talking. "So who are you guys." I asked as nice as possible bc by the look of their faces they were freaked out. "I'm Kaydence." "I'm Kaytlyn." "And I'm Layla." "We all know who you are besides you" the girl named Layla said and pointed to Wanda and the other two girls nodded their heads. "Well you introduce yourself Wanda." I said. "Hi I'm Wanda Maximoff I'm an avenger now. She looked like she didn't want to talk and she wanted to suffocate herself. I hope she's okay. I think the girls noticed to heck I think everyone noticed but the girls still shook their heads and smiled. "You guys are from Sokovia right?" Asked banner. "Yah." They basically all said at the same time. "Well Wanda here is too." Said Thor finishing his sentence. "NO WAY that's so cool." Said the girl Kaydence. 

                  After a while we got to the compound. "Oh well we're here" said Clint who was piloting the jet. " here I'll lead you to a spare room for you guys. Do you want beds in the same room or separate." I asked. They all looked at each other and said together which made me smile. The6 must be really good friends. They looked confused when I told now Friday to put the best in the same room. "That's Friday he's my ai system I made. "Oh" they said. Let vision show you up to your rooms. "Ok thank you one of them said. I'll have to get to know them better bc I already forgot one of the girls names. It was late so we offered them food and called it a night.

Again if u have suggestions plz comment and yah don't judge I'm making it up so some information might be different  from the movie. And yes peitro is still dead and I'm not changing it.

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