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Jonah woke up from the best sleep he has ever had on his new addition that he has named "Bimby". He sees that he has a message from his friend, Colin.

It read, "Hey Jonah! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you in about a week but I've been out of the country for work. I hope you're doing good. You know you are always welcome at my house and I can come get you if you'd like. I love you!" Colin has always been considerate and caring towards Jonah which made him a great friend. Colin knew Jonah was into ddlb and he didn't mind it. In fact it made them closer because Colin always had a fatherly nature to him which is what attracted Jonah. They've been friends since highschool and have always supported each other.

Jonah heads downstairs skipping with joy. He loved the hospitality that Damon provided and felt very welcome but he was always happy to see his friend especially Colin. Today there is a lot more people than their usually is in the kitchen and they all seem dressed up in all sorts of business attire. One of the people running around is Damon. He looks very stressed and is begins to yell which startles Jonah as he sits down at the kitchen island out of the way. Damon turns and sees Jonah and his facial expressions immediately softens.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. It's been hectic this morning." Damon apologizes as he navigates towards Jonah.

"It's okay but can I ask a question" Jonah questions. Damon nods his head and Jonah continues. "So my friend that I mentioned when I first got here is back. He was out of the country but anyway could I send him the address so he can come get me?" Damon's heart skips a beat. He knew Jonah's friend would come sooner or later but he didn't expect him so soon. He feels saddened but tries to not show it on his face.

"Yea can I see your phone I gotta tell him how to get through security." Jonah notices Damon's face but didn't want to comment on it so he just hands him his phone.

"Well I gotta go I have a busy day but I'll have someone up there to help you pack. Goodbye Jonah." Damon says as he begins to walk away.

"Wait!" Damon turns around to be crashed into. Jonah squeezes Damon's waist as he sighs. "Thank you for everything." Jonah thanks Damon. He hugs Jonah back and eventually they both let go of each other and wave one last goodbye.

Damon lied he didn't have much work but he couldn't bare watching Jonah leave. He's barely know him but he feels a certain connection with him that he can't explain. He figures he probably isn't into ddlb so he won't have a chance with him but he still cares for him. All he can do is hope that his friend treats him well and if he doesn't Damon will fix it.

Jonah heads up to his room to begin getting together the little bit of stuff he has aquired over his stay and soon enough someone knocks on his door. He opens it for a guy named, Daniel who was said that Damon sent him to pack for him. Within 10 minutes all of his stuffed is packed and Daniel has taken it downstairs by the door. Jonah sits in his bed texting Colin and thinking about Damon. He feels safe and protected when he's with Damon and wonders if he'll ever see Damon again. He feels emotional and begins to tear up. Then there's another knock at the door.

Thank you for reading! Love you all!<3

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