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The door opens and I turn my head to see Colin walk in. I wave to him and I quietly explain whats happened with Jonah. I see his eyes fill with rage and sadness at each detail I reveal. Once I finish catching him up on Jonah he turns to look at him. He pull up a chair and sits on the other side of Jonah and begins softly rubbing his hair as I was once doing. After another 30 minutes Jonah wakes up.

"Hi bubba." Jonah sleepily greets to Colin.

"Hi baby. How are you feeling right now." Colin asks.

"My tummy and my head huwts." Jonah says with his hand on his tummy. "I'll go get a nurse so she can up your meds." Damon states while walking out of the room. As he walks out of the room he runs into Adrian.

"Hey there was traffic but here's all of his stuff is he up?" Adrian asks. "Yeah he just woke up and Colin is with him. I'm going to ask a nurse to up his pain meds." Adrian nods and goes into Jonah's room. I find a nurse to help us and she follows me into the room.

"Wow it's looks like someone has a full house." The nurse says to Jonah as she gives him more medicine via his IV and Jonah giggles. "You are just a cutie. If you all need anything else come find me or another nurse my name is Lauren." She smiles and leaves. I look at Jonah who is hugging one of his teddies out of his stuff that Adrian brought. We all continue to talk and cheer Jonah up by making him laugh and playing with his stuffies.

"Hey Damon can I talk to you outside for a second?" Damon nods as they both step outside of Jonah's room. "Hey whats's up?"

"I'm sorry to ask but do you think Jonah could stay with you for next week or two? I have a work trip and you're the only person who knows about Jonah's little space and the only person I really trust. It might be hard for him for a while so he'll be vulnerable especially since he will probably be little."

"Yeah Colin of course I would love to he still has a room he can stay in that he is always welcome to. I uh also wanna know...obviously not now because of everything that has happened but is Jonah looking for a permanent daddy at the moment?" I nervously ask because I am interested in being his daddy but I'm not entirely sure of their situation.

"Oh my god are you serious? Jonah has been talking about you literally nonstop since I picked him up he adores you. I know he is definitely interested and will more than likely accept but you should let this blow over before telling him."

"Yeah I definitely will." With that we both go back into the room and are met with two loudly giggling goofballs. Colin and I smile at the pair.

"Hehe no mowe tickle pwease!" Jonah giggles out. "Okay he'll go back to his house for now but he will be back to get you." Adrian says with a monster sock puppet on his hand.

"Hey Jonah you're gonna be staying with Damon for the next week or two after you get better because I have a work trip." Jonah gasps with a big smile. "Weally? Wif Damon and Adwian?"

"Yep and we'll have so much fun with games, movies, and maybe some new toys." His eyes light up as I talk about all the fun we could have.

3 days later...

"Alrighty the doctors have cleared you to go so I need his guardian to sign these release forms and you can be on your way." Lauren walks in and says to us. "That would be me." Colin says and takes the clipboard that Lauren hands to him. He hands back the forms and she tells us we can leave.

Colin and I collect all of Jonah's stuff and Lauren comes back into the room with a wheelchair to wheel out Jonah to the car. We head outside then I go to my car and pull it up to the hospital entrance. We load Jonah's stuff into my SUV and say our goodbyes and head to my house.

I apologize for the pov changing throughout the story but I didn't realize until the end and was too lazy to change it so hopefully the story is still readable. Anyway love you all and stay safe. Thank you for over 1k reads! <3<3<3 (Sorry for the late post)

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