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Damon is currently sitting at the kitchen island drinking some water. After hearing that he had made Jonah cry he wanted to run to go hug him and apologize but he stopped to realize that he was still fuming and didn't want to scare him further so he stayed back to try and calm down.

Meanwhile Adrian has distracted Jonah to get his mind off the yelling and got him talking about his favorite cartoons while watching one. He loves how little Jonah lights up when talking about his favorite things.

As Jonah is talking about why he loves Curious George he starts to show signs of being tired by yawning and rubbing his eyes. Adrian doesn't want to directly tell him to go to bed so he gives some cues.

"I'm gonna lay down will you cuddle with me?" Adrian asks with a fake pouty lip. Jonah smiles at Adrian's fake act but lays down with him anyway. Adrian holds Jonah in his arms while they watch the show and soon Jonah falls asleep.

Adrian wants to find out what happened with Damon so he slips out of the bed and gives sleeping Jonah pillow to snuggle in replace of him. He quietly shuts the door and goes downstairs to try and find Damon.

He hears some noise in the kitchen and heads in there. He leans on the doorway and watches as Damon goes to rinse his cup off. Damon turns and leans against the counter.

"Is he okay?" Is the first thing that comes out of Damon's mouth. Adrian pauses.

"He is now, he's sleeping. What was that whole thing even about anyways cause everyone seemed real upset?"

"It was just a back and forth of mostly Colin wanting to take Jonah out alone and me saying no. He kept saying that he deserves to cause he took care of him longer even though he pulled that sister shit a few weeks back." Damon starts to get irritated just thinking about it. Adrian notices this and attempts to calm him down.

"He seems little enough that he will barely remember what happened once he wakes up."

"That's not the point. The point is that I upset him in the first place and didn't diffuse the situation sooner." Damon responds still feeling guilty. He starts so walk away to clear his head when he gets an idea.

"Do you mind watching him for a while I'm just gonna run to the store really quick." Adrian nods and Damon grabs his keys not wanting to bother one of his drivers for a quick drive up the road.

He leaves and Adrian goes into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. He lands on making a smoothie and some eggs. He is halfway done with eating his food when he hears some noises coming from upstairs. He runs to his room where the now, nonexistent noise is coming from.

"Jonah, what happened in here?" Adrian says alarmed walking into his trashed bedroom with his bedsheets all messed up and one the floor, stuff from his night stand all over the floor, and Jonah sitting on the bed fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well?" Adrian asks not receiving an answer.

Jonah just shrugs and speaks in a higher pitched voice, "I dunno."

"Well you should find a good reason as to why you trashed my room." Adrian scolds accidentally raising his voice some. Jonah's lip begins to twitch and he bursts into tears.

"I sowwy I just awone an I no find my paci I need it." Jonah makes out through tears. Adrian begins to shake out his sheets and after a fourth shake a light yellow pacifier falls out. Jonah doesn't realize this through his sobs and Adrian makes a quick run to the bathroom to rinse it off.

He runs back in to Jonah and picks him up showing the newly found clean pacifier. He rocks him in attempt to calm him down and as he is rocking him Damon bursts through the door worry plastered on his face.

Jonah immediately reaches for him and Damon picks him up without skipping a beat.

Hope you enjoyed that next chapter will be on Sunday! Love you all and stay safe!!<3<3<3<3

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