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I go in and close the door behind me. I look at Jonah and he looks like he could cry at any moment.

"What's wrong baby."

He shrugs.

"You can tell me it's okay. Come here." I pull him into a hug and he just sniffles some.

"Do you want to be little?" I can feel him do a little nod. "Okay what does my baby boy want to do huh?"

He doesn't respond so I carry him to a draw and pull out one of his favorite pacifiers.

I pop it in his mouth and he immediately starts to suckle on it.

"Do you want to change out of your big boy clothes little one?" He nods.

I grab him a light green oversized hoodie and some matching knee high socks.

"Do you want a diaper too sweetheart." I look at his face and see him blush but he nods.

I help and get him change and I can immediately tell it's my baby boy.

"There's daddy little baby." He smiles through his paci and sits on my lap.

He eventually crawls off my lap and sits next to me on the floor and grabs his barn toy.

He loves to make the animals interact and make their sounds.

"Jonah what does a cow say."

"Moo moo." He correctly answers.

"Good job baby!" We do this a couple more times until Jonah grows bored of it.

We jump from toy to toy and I can see Jonah rubbing his eyes and getting tired.

I turn the lights off and hold him while I sit in the rocking chair.

He quickly falls asleep but I remain in the chair as it is very soothing for me.

I hear a knock on the door and quietly ask who it is.


"Come in."

"Matilda says someone is here to see you."


"I don't know I didn't ask."

"Okay well come here and take him to my room please."

I hand off the sleeping Jonah to Adrian and head downstairs to see who is here.

I go and see Colin standing by the door.

"Oh hey." I say getting his attention since he is looking at his phone.


"Is everything alright?"

"No yeah everythings good but I just wanted to check up on Jonah he seemed pretty upset last time I saw him."

"Oh yeah he's good. He's in little space and actually just went to sleep so sorry you missed him."

"It's fine I just wanted to give him this. He was in a rush to leave and I guess he didn't realize that he dropped it."

Colin hands me a medium sized purple sloth stuffie.

"Thanks. I'm sure he'll miss this little guy." I smile at the toy.

"No problem. See you la-. Is that Jonah crying?"

I step back and listen confirming Colin's suspicions.

"Yeah that is. If you don't mind I'm gonna check on him."

"Yeah go I'll see you later."

"See you."

I quickly head upstairs to make sure my baby is okay but Adrian beats me to him.

I walk into my room where Adrian is holding Jonah who is crying for me.

"Daddy!" Jonah cries reaching for me. Adrian turns around and hands Jonah to me. He almost instantly calms down and relaxes.

"So who was at the door?" Adrian asks being nosey.

"It was Colin. Why?"

"I just wanted to know. See you." He says quickly leaving the room.

For the rest of the day little Jonah and I both hangout laughing and cuddling and I soak up my time with my clingy baby.

Sorry this chapter was shorter but I honestly didn't know what to write so if you have any ideas please comment them and I will do my best to do something with it. Luv ya and stay safe!!!! <3<3<3<3

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