Ch 5: Test To Join Team Anos

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--- This Chapter is Created and Written By NIGHT-ROSE ---


After Rimuru and Lay introduced themselves, Emilia suggested that the two should join a team. The two agreed and headed forward to where Anos and his team were seated.

"May we join your team?" Lay asked.

"Rimuru can join, but you cannot!" Anos said as he looked at Rimuru and then looked at Lay.

"Then what do I have to do for me to be able to join your team?" Lay asked Anos.

A small smirk appeared on Anos' lips as he looked at Misa and her friends.

"If you really want to be one of my subordinates, then prove yourself," Anos replied, still wearing his small smirk.

"How can I prove myself?" Lay asked.

"Misha, when is the next team competition?" Anos asked Misha.

"Tomorrow," she replied in her usual voice.

"Then tomorrow, fight us. Misa, join Lay's team and work together to defeat us," Anos commanded.

"Yes, Anos-sama," Misa replied.

Rimuru was just looking at them, deciding to speak up.

"If Lay-kun needs to prove himself in order to join, then I too must prove myself," she said with determination.

"You don't have to..." Anos didn't get to finish his sentence as Rimuru interrupted him.

"Anos-kun, please let me prove myself that I'm strong enough to join your team. I won't take no for an answer," Rimuru said as she stared directly into Anos' eyes.

*Sigh* "It's your choice," Anos said, and Rimuru just smiled at him.

After their interaction, they proceeded to find an empty seat, and Emilia started her lesson. During the whole time, Anos didn't pay attention to the lesson but instead kept staring at Rimuru, who was so focused on learning.

Anos' actions didn't go unnoticed by the two young girls who were beside him.

"Do you like her?" Sasha asked with a jealous look plastered on her face.

On the other hand, Misha stopped writing and looked at Anos, waiting for his response.

"Maybe," Anos replied, and the two girls were surprised by what they just heard.

"I see," Misha looked at Rimuru with determined eyes that spoke the words, "I won't let you have Anos all to yourself."

And the day passed with nothing more notable aside from Misha and Sasha staring daggers at Rimuru, who was confused about why the two girls were looking at her like that.


The day of the team competition had arrived, and they decided that Lay would fight Anos one-on-one. After that, Rimuru would also fight Anos one-on-one, while Sasha and Misha would fight Misa and her team.

The battle started, and within the first few minutes of the match, interesting things were already happening. For example, Misha could go toe to toe against Sasha, and her swordsmanship was commendable. As for Anos and Lay, their fight was on another level, and they almost wiped out half of the Magic Forest.

Rimuru was just looking at the fights happening from atop a giant tree.

"Wow, they really are powerful," Rimuru said as she looked at Anos.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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