Chapter 12

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I walked into the school for the first time wit my head down. 

I didnt want anyone talking to me. I didnt want to blend it. I didnt want to be there. 

But since I had to be there, that's all I would be. I'd sit there, I'd walk there, but I wouldn't be truly present here. 

I was wearing a black hoodie, black beanie, skinny black jeans, and black and white van high tops. No colors. 

I walked through the halls with my head down to avoid being noticed as the new kid and made walked around using my peripheral vision as a guide through the halls as I searched for the office. 

Unfortunately, my wishes went unheeded as when I had finally found the office, a tall brunette walked up to me, his curly hair falling into his eyes. He was with another brunette who had sunglasses on and and a walking stick. 

I looked up momentarily into the tall brunette's playful eyes before averting my eyes to the ground once more. 

"Hello there, I'm Wilbur and this is Eret. Are you new here?" Wilbur asked. 

I merely nodded, trying to go around the guy and get into the office, but he simply followed. 

"I'm seventeen, how old are you?" he asked. 

"Fifteen." I answered quietly. 

"You're from America?" I didnt want to talk to him, why couldnt he take the hint?

"I was born in England but moved to America when I was two. Moved back here a month ago." I said, trying to answer his while talking as little as possible. 

"Well, I'm going to make sure that you get an accent while you're here." Wilbur said playfully. 

I rolled my eyes, thinking about how he sounded when he spoke before attempting his accent. "I don't think that's going to happen." I said, causing his eyes to widen. 

"Your accent sounds so fucking natural! What the fuck! From now on I don't want to hear you speak with that wretched American accent. You said you're fifteen? That's around the same age as my other friend, Tommy. He's against all Americans, so you definitely have to try and sound British around him or he will resent you." Wilbur says.

"Fine." I say, using my fake accent still, trying to end the conversation. 

Wilbur continues to talk, but I don't respond. 

After getting my schedule from the office, the two brunettes stick around me, showing me around the school against my will. It was helpful, but I didnt want to be around people. I just wanted to be around my friends. Around Clay. He was the only one who made me feel safe against the things those boys told me as they beat me. 

I talked with the accent all day, somehow it being normal whenever i did talk. Lavender always had a slight accent as she was already eight years old when we left England and she's always talked a lot, so I guess I grew up hearing it somewhat. 

I didnt want anything to feel natural here. 

When I got home, my mother wasn't there, but that was as to be expected. Eve wasn't there either, as her daycare hours were extended so that I had some time to myself. 

She wouldn't get home until 4'o clock, giving me some time to work on homework and talk to Clay. 

I called him, it taking a while for him to pick up. 

"Hey George. Before you say anything, I want to thank you for getting me out of my science class. Teacher was being a bitch, like always." Clay said. 

I giggled. "She has always been that way, hasn't she. Gosh, I didnt realize that you were at school and that I'm 5 hours ahead of you, Clay, I'm sorry. I'll call next time when you're on your lunch break and its 5 o' clock here, alright." I say, Clay remaining silent on the other line. 

"Clay?" I call, wondering if he was still there. 

"You go to that British school for one day and you already sound like them." CLay laughs. 

I blush, embarrassed. "Sorry, I didnt realize I was still doing it. I'll stop." I say, dropping the accent. 

"No, no don't be sorry. You don't have to stop, I think it's pretty." Clay says and we go silent again, but it's not awkward. 

That's something I like about our talks. We've learned long ago how to complement each other and know if it's a joke or genuine. However, no matter which one it was, we'd learned to not be awkward about it. The only thing I didnt know was if him comments meant he liked me or not. 

"Thank you, Clay." I say. 

"cLaY" he mocks, allowing us to indulge in our usual banter for the rest of his 45 minute period.

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