Chapter 31

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George pov (time skip 2 months)

It was my birthday. 

I was 18 years old. 

When I woke up this morning in Clay's embrace, so many of my worries dissipated. 

I sprung up, flopping on top of Clay and giggling in his ear, waking him up. 

I had become increasingly happy in the past few months. 

I was able to talk again, my thick British accent being something that Clay had come to love. 

Eve was now 77 years old, becoming boisterous and snarky, almost like Clay. 

I was happy to have gotten better for her. 

Clay sat up, pushing me into a sitting position on his lap, enveloping me into a hug. 

"Good morning, George. Happy birthday, Angel." he says into my shoulder, causing me to grin and dig my head into his shoulder. 

Clay pulls away too soon for my liking, making me whine with dissapointment while pouting with dissatisfaction. 

He ruffles my hair, giving me a kiss before heading to the bathroom. 

I head to my own bedroom, getting myself dressed in sweatpants and one of Clay's green sweatshirts, nuzzling into it and taking in his scent, feeling soothed as I feel familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind. 

I close my eyes and turn around, leaning into my boyfriend's chest. 

"What do you want to do for your birthday, hun?" he asks. 

"I don't know, we can do a, uhm, small and special breakfast, maybe? T-Then we could go to the library this afternoon? I don't know..." I always felt nervous speaking, even to Clay, as though at any moment the memories of the mental abuse pertaining to my speech would come back, rendering me unable to talk. 

"You don't have to be nervous, darling. We can to whatever you want to do. Today is about you." Clay says, rubbing my back and kissing my head. 

Eventually, we make our way downstairs, finding Eve eating a cup of dry cheerios sitting on the couch. 

"No, darling, let's get you a proper breakfast now; its your brother's birthday. Why don't you wish him a happy one?" Clay says, taking the cup away from the brunette girl. Please don't make this weird. My oldest brother calls his younger sisters 'darling' sometimes (mostly comically) when they are young. 

Eve hops off of the couch, running over to me and embracing me in a hug while the blonde begins to prepare breakfast. 

~Time skip cause I can and you can't (they're leaving the library bc it is really hard for me to write happy scenes. Fluff scenes, yes. Angst, yes. Happy, no. Sappy, no~

Eve was asleep in her carseat and the sun was beginning to set. 

We'd been at the library a lot longer than anticipated because Eve and I didnt want to leave, leaving Clay outnumbered and the only one who could drive. 

"Do you want to do something fun while we're out?" the blonde asks me as I rest my head on the cool window. 

I nod, smiling fondly at the excitement and adventure our relationship provided. 

We drove around for a little while, coming to a stop at a cementary across from another library that was further from our house. 

Clay had a mischevious glint in his eye as he hopped out of the car, telling me to follow and try not to be frightened. 

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