Carson's Messy Mishap

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The group was hanging out in their living room, watching TV and snacking on popcorn. Carson had been feeling particularly playful that day, and had been making a lot of baby noises and giggles.

Suddenly, he announced that he needed to use the bathroom. But instead of getting up, he just sat there, grinning mischievously.

"What are you up to, Carson?" Mya asked, raising an eyebrow.

Carson just shrugged and continued to grin. "I think I might need a diaper change," he said, patting his bottom.

The group laughed and shook their heads, used to Carson's antics by now. But then, something unexpected happened.

As Carson stood up, there was a loud squelching sound, and a foul odor filled the air. The others recoiled in disgust as they realized what had happened - Carson's diaper had exploded!

"Oh my god, Carson, what did you do?" Gabriel exclaimed, covering his nose.

Carson just looked sheepish and embarrassed. "I think I might have made a mess," he admitted.

The group quickly sprang into action, grabbing wipes and changing supplies. They helped Carson clean up the messy disaster, all the while laughing and joking about the situation.

Once Carson was cleaned up and changed into a fresh diaper, they all collapsed onto the couch, still giggling and catching their breath.

"That was definitely one for the books," Sam said, shaking her head in amusement.

Carson just grinned sheepishly. "I guess I got a little carried away," he admitted.

But despite the mess, the group couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and freedom. They had embraced their inner babies and had fun, messy mishaps along the way. And they knew that they would continue to do so, no matter what.

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