meet kilowattrel

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Both of spider-woman & girl-arachnid are outside of the bank with news crew, police force, and twenty people who cheering for them to save the day once again to beat up the banks robbers inside the bank in a few minutes ago.


Anchorwoman: "what kind of pokemon who made a straight noise?"

Police chief: "beats me."

One of citizens look up in the sky to see flying and flying unknown pokemon approach them as he point his finger in the sky to show everyone, "probably that pokemon over there who's toward us." They look up to see unknown pokemon too begin landed on the pavement with both talons touched it and started walking passing by several citizens toward girl-arachard for a bit and stop in 3 feet away from her.

Officer Jenny: "hey! Is that new type of pokemon from paldea region?"

Policeman #1: "sure do ma'am. It's look like electric and flying type bird pokemon."

Stan: "great Odin bread!!!"

Girl-arachnid noticed that new paldean pokemon who want her as her pokemon and said to him with kindness, "you wanna be my pokemon, huh buddy." Kilowattrel nodded his head to agree with her that's surprised everyone and Stan Lee said, "not bad kid, you got pokemon from far away at paldea region." Girl-arachnid look at kilowattrel with a smile inside her mask and said, "you should follow us home to show my dad and raichu, they're will be so stoked to see new pokemon from paldea region." Spider-woman replied, "good idea honey, but you need information about this pokemon first with your rotom phone."

Stan Lee: "your mother is right, kiddo."

Cameraman #1: "it's right thing to do that."

Girl-arachnid: "yes mom."

"Hey girl-arachnid!"

They turned their heads to the right see cuffed one of mask robber sitting in front in right side of back open police van as girl-arachnid, spider-woman, and kilowattrel approach the van when he begins to speak again, "I need talked with you at the prison library tomorrow." Girl-arachnid replied back to him with confused expression on her face inside the mask, "why?" He said to hin with theory expression on his face, "there more information about paldea region that you never believe. Trust me." She decided trust him for little bit and said, "sure. What time I'll be there."

Masked robber: "10:30 am."

Girl-arachnid: "sounds good."

[New chapter is out for today]

adventures of spider-girl: new generation spider-girl is bornWhere stories live. Discover now