Entry 9: Text

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After the day ended, I was already tuck in bed waiting for the sandman to sparkles some dust for good dreams to arrive. (Watch The guardians - the animation - for the reference) I was on the verge of unconsciousness when my phone vibrated. I felt like a blind person patting down the bed as I looked for it.

It was a text from him. From how the weekend passed like a cricket was living on my phone, I thought it would take awhile before we were text buddies. Because after all the thinking and the talk I had with my friends, I mentally gave up on him. Emotionally, while I stared at his text, you would think I've won the lottery. I have to cover my screams with my pillow, which might sound like someone was suffocating me. So I stopped and started to read.

My face was straining from the forced smile I've unconsciously put myself in. His text was not something I'd expect coming from him.

What are you doing? Are you busy? Can I call?

Talk about fast paced 30 second question. So I replied each question in order, hoping to not get any miscommunication. From the in coming call on the screen on my phone a minute later, he understood the message.

Talking to him on the phone was comfortable than I imagined. And yes, I had thought about how the conversation would go in my head. I'm a normal teenager. This was what we mostly do before I sleep.

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