Entry 13: Intertwine

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It felt mushy, rough, and then I started sweating. I sighed in relief when I finally had an excuse to let go of his hand. It wasn't my first time holding hands with someone. I've done it with my friends occasionally. But there was something different with him.

The first time was a week after we were officially together. We were walking side by side towards our locker. And suddenly, he grabbed my hand as the first bell rang. I was startled, of course. But I didn't point it out, thinking it was a reflex reaction. But then, he started taking my hand as we walked towards out next class. I'm not against it. Though, for some unknown reason, I felt more aware and conscious of him when our hands intertwine.

For a few days, the feeling remained. I told one of my closest friends about this concern. But she told me I was paranoid since he was my first real relationship. So, I took her advice and stomach it. As a week passed, I unconsciously started to anticipate his hand holding mine. There was a constant constipated feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever are arms were close.

By the end of the week, I had enough of waiting until he grabbed my hand. I felt a sense of comfort and safety when our fingers intertwined. And then, I understood the concept of hand holding between lovers. It was never for the public to know you are together. It was a way of communicating how you felt, how you want them to be beside you all the time.

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