Entry 18: Parents

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After he had the grand introduction of meeting my parents, I knew it wouldn't be too far before I met his. But when I thought about it, I hadn't expected it to bee soon. Like 'a week after my injury was healed' kind of soon.

What happened was his mother found out about us through the PTA meeting that week, which surprisingly my mother was an active member. The gossip circulating in that group puts twitter to shame. And currently, we were a trending topic.

When I finally met his mother, I was completely caught off guard. My friends told me the ground rule when meeting your boyfriend's parents for the first time.

First, appearance is importance. Just as first impression. So never wear a skimpy outfit. Leave it for date nights.

Second, smile and be approachable. Not arrogant or bitchy, but confident enough that makes you look smart and knowledgable. Stupidity is no longer a trend.

And third, and probably the last, do not be too intimate with your boyfriend in their presence. ( I think this is already a given.)

But being me, I got a surprise attack. In that moment, I was the opposite of rule 1, 2, and 3, which was partly my fault.

It wasn't a good day to wear a strapless top and shorts while grumbling about my failed math exam as I bumped into my boyfriend's mother. I apologized quickly as I saw my boyfriend approaching. I thought my boyfriend was about to greet me, who I greeted with a kiss. But he wasn't.

And then, the next thing I know. The woman I bumped into shook my hand with an obvious fake smile.

Yes. This tops it off from how he met my parents. So let's not get into how I met his dad.

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