New recruit 

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As the Avengers continued to fight against evil and protect the world, they realized that they needed a legal team to help them navigate the complex legal system. They knew that they needed someone who was skilled, experienced, and trustworthy.
That's when Tony Stark had an idea. He suggested that they recruit Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, two lawyers who had a reputation for being some of the best in the business. He also knew that Matt Murdock was secretly Daredevil, a vigilante who fought crime in the streets of New York City.
The Avengers agreed that it was a good idea, and they reached out to Matt and Foggy to see if they were interested in joining their team. Matt was initially hesitant, knowing that his secret identity as Daredevil could put him and his friends in danger. But he eventually agreed, knowing that he could use his legal skills to help the Avengers in their fight against evil.As part of the Avengers' legal team, Matt and Foggy worked tirelessly to defend the team against false accusations and legal challenges. They also helped the team navigate the complex legal system and provided valuable advice and guidance.
But Matt also continued to fight crime as Daredevil, using his enhanced senses and martial arts skills to take down criminals and protect the people of New York City. The Avengers were impressed by his dedication and bravery, and they knew that they had made the right choice in recruiting him.Together, the Avengers and their legal team of Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson continued to fight against evil and protect the world from harm. They knew that they had a tough road ahead of them, but they were determined to succeed, no matter what challenges they faced.

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