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Peter swung through the city, feeling the rush of the wind in his face and the thrill of the spider cosmic web beneath him. He had been experimenting with his powers lately, trying to push himself to new heights. And today, he had succeeded.As he landed on the balcony of his apartment in the Avenger Tower, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had come a long way since he first donned the Spider-Man suit.But his moment of triumph was short-lived. As he stepped inside, he saw Aunt May waiting for him, her face etched with worry.Peter, we need to talk," she said, her voice serious.Peter's heart sank. He knew that tone all too well. It usually meant bad news.What's wrong, Aunt May?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.It's about your mother," she said, her eyes sad.Peter's heart skipped a beat. He had always wondered about his mother, but Aunt May had never been forthcoming with information. He had assumed she was dead, like his father.What about her?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.She's alive," Aunt May said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But she's not on Earth. She's off-world, in space."Peter's mind reeled. His mother was alive? And she was a space traveler? It was almost too much to take in.How do you know this?" he asked, his voice shaking.Nick Fury told me," Aunt May said. "He said that your mother is a powerful cosmic being Captain Marvel. And now that you've unlocked your cosmic powers, you have the potential to be just as powerful."Peter felt a surge of excitement. He had always known he was special, but he had never imagined he could be on the same level as  his mom Captain Marvel.What do I do now?" he asked, his mind racing.We wait," Aunt May said. "Nick Fury will contact us when the time is right. Until then, you need to keep practicing your powers and honing your skills. You never know when you might need them."Peter nodded, feeling a sense of purpose. He had always wanted to be a hero, and now he had the chance to be something even greater.As he looked out the window at the city below, he knew that his life would never be the same. But he was ready for whatever came his Peter tells Aunt may about how he touched the Tesseract and absorb the space stone within it and then again when he helped the guardians with the orb with the Power Stone Peter sat on the couch in the Avengers tower apartment, staring off into space. Aunt May sat next to him, concern etched on her face.Peter, honey, what's wrong?" she asked, placing a hand on his knee.Peter sighed and turned to face her. "I don't know, Aunt May. I've just been having these weird dreams lately."Dreams? What kind of dreams?"
About the infinity stones," Peter said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like they're calling to me. Like they're the true vessel or something."Aunt May's eyes widened in surprise. "The infinity stones? Peter, that's...that's a lot to take in."I know," Peter said, running a hand through his hair. "But it's like I can't shake this feeling. Like there's something I'm supposed to do with them."Aunt May placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well, you're not alone, Peter. You have the Avengers here to help you. Maybe they can shed some light on this."Peter nodded, feeling a small glimmer of hope. "Yeah, you're right. I'll talk to them tomorrow."As Aunt May got up to leave, Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What if his dreams were more than just dreams? What if they were a sign of something bigger to come? Only time would tell.

Reincarnated Spider-Man, MCUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt