player who?

12 1 4

the boys instantly run into the kitchen, cabinets opening and closing. they grab plates and dish up, barley any food left for you and cleo. you glare at colten, he's just peacefully. munching.

"why you staring at colten, dumbass?" cj had always called you dumbass.

"no reason." you look away quickly as you see colten look up, one cheek full of food and he looks clueless. god he's so handsome.

the boys are finished eating and they soon all hustle to the basement, NFL drafting.

you and cleo hear some yelling, seems they are unhappy with the picks. you cant even help but think about if colten even remembers the other night, why is he ignoring the clear spark between you two?

your brother hustles up the stairs, "do you two wanna come to a party with us? starts at 8:00." he seems to be excited, normally he never invites you.

"sure," you are cleo exchanged surprised glances.

7:30 —-

you and cleo are in your room, picking out party dresses.

your dress :

cleo's dress :

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cleo's dress :

cleo's dress :

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you and cleo hustle out, all put together and the boys look like basic golf boys, you avoided coltens eyes. your brother stands up and runs over to the table, throwing his keys to you, signaling and go start the car. you run upstairs, his pickup fits 5.. their is 7 so we are going to have to squish.

the boys run upstairs, cj hops into front seat and your brother cash hops into driver. you and cleo are sat on the right side and rudely get pushed together as niko, justin, and colten jump into the truck. colten is sat extremely close to you and you frown, he seems to notice. colten takes out his phone and snaps a bunch of girls infront of you.. for what?? you shrug yo yourself and do the same except the opposite, why are you two so mean? you pull up to the house, everyone jumps out and walks inside.

you walk into the living room, eyes flood onto you and cleo. some guy dressed up in a rabbit suit comes and gives you both drinks, most likely achohaulic drinks. you shrug at cleo,

"should we really be drinking these?" you both are very underage.. you have 5 years until you can drink.

"i mean what's to loose?" cleo isn't getting all safety tight tonight.

you chug your drink, asking for another. what is wrong with you? colten walks over,

"woah! slow down there." he notices you are drinking your second, but why is he worried now?

cleo raises and eyebrow at you and you glance at colten.

"why do you care?" you scoff, you are upsetted at his sudden hopefulness in you two.

i take the last sip of my second, rabbit suit had already handed me a third.

"maybe because that is a sunny d infused vodka?" he raises a brow at you and cleo both.

"she'll be fine, i'll stay somewhat sober for her and so should you." she puts her finger right in the middle of his chest. "you are an athlete."

he seems surprised, "do you see a drink in my hand?" he laughs at cleo.

10:00 —

you are drunk. drunken in love and confused ness. you are pretty much drinking your feelings away as you are still recovering from a different heartbreak but yet you seem to look okay when you arnt soo...drunk. you wander torward your brother and his friends, colten is yet over there. you look at a boy, he's using the wiggling finger to signal a.. follow me. you walk to a staircase.. and sit down.

"so, what's your name?" you ask the boy.

"woah i just wanted to fuck, god damnit." he notices your sudden discomfort and apologizes.

"so sorry, i'm noah.. jaidens cousin, your friend jaiden." he finally tells you his name.

you both ingage in conversation, he doesn't notice you are drunk.. though suddenly you kiss him.

when you let go, his finger slides onto your lip.

"lyla, your beautiful hut... kilies hotter." he laughs and gets up, walking away.

you freeze, what. you really just followed to make colten jealous but.. that kinda hurt. you get up, cleo is dancing with a girl but you shrug. you start crying, ugh your an emotional drunk. you walk over close to where your brothers friend group is and lay onto a couch, in coltens eyeshot and cry, so what an attention deprived drunk too?

you notice colten glares at you, stands up and walks over to you. he grabs you, bringing you up into a sitting position, then sits next to you.

"what are you crying about?" he doesn't use the word gorgeous so this time he must be messing with your head.

i pointed at the stairs then noah. "i kissed him.."

he looks hurt for a second, "what's wrong with that then? why are you upset about that?"

"he complimented me but then said kilie is hotter." i choked on the word kilie, i hated her.

he put his hand around you, and ran his hands up and down your arm. your head fell onto his shoulder, once again and you rolled onto him a bit and kissed him. two in one? god damnit lyla.

he looked surprised, he must have tasted the achohaul  yet he had commented on how much you drank earlier so colten shrugged it off.

your brother walks over and flicks you on the head, "why the fuck are you feeling up on him again?" he laughs at you.

"your so mean!!" you whine at cash, wiping your face.

"no, but you need to lay off on that sunny dick." he nicknamed the drink, laughing at his own joke again.

"go away im tryna sleep!!" you whine at your brother again,

cash grabs your arm gently, then yanks you up away from colten. "quit, your not allowed to fuck a colten." you brother is a sluggish drunk.. so he really is talking pretty slow.

colten bursts out laughing, cleo walks over and puts her arm around your neck and walks you out to the pickup. you and cleo climb in and both of your heads are laid on eachothers, you are a bit responsible at the moment arn't ya? you both dozed off, snoring.

2:30 am—

the boys yank open the pickup doors, coltens driving because he's the only sober. he looks back and smiles at you and cleo, then locks the doors after evryone is in.

you pull into your yard, your dad is away on buisness so your ass is lucky. the boys hop out of the truck, cj comes and carries a somewhat awake cleo into the house. colten looks back at you, debating wether to carry you in or not. he hops out of the truck, walks around it and opens the door, gently picking you up. he walks into the house, creeping down the stairs. everyone has gone to bed, cleo in my room and all of the boys in the room across. colten decides to take you into the downstairs living room, he gently lays you down on the couch. he sits down next to you, slowly placing your head onto his lap. he looks down at you, smiling. he stares into the dark for a bit before dozing asleep...


so this one a bit more eventful!!! im so tired rn so im cutting it off here for this chapter, i assume this is an average normal chapter... i appreciate the love so far!! im very greatful. 💋💋 anyways shoutout to all my swifties

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