he looks up grinning like a devil.

11 1 4

woah... the summer i turned pretty lowkey???

"hey!!!! girls!!!" your brother runs up the stairs, huffing and puffing. then his friends following..

"we're going to lake jam, watch the dogs." cj calls as he goes out the door, pickup puffing.

"we are totally going." cleo squeals... giggling like a little girl.

"why?? i have nothing to wear." you whine.

"then we will wear our hoco dresses!!!!" cleo grabs onto your hand, dragging you downstairs.

—- skip

cleo's -

yours -

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yours -

——— time skip

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——— time skip... walking into the party

you are cleo smile, walking into the party. a guy comes up to your two, handing you both a drink... hm. you drink, it's safe. you walk over to a guy sitting down on a towel, further away from the party. oh my god... it's dane!!! dane was your bestfriend when you were younger. you sit down next to him..

"ly!! you really grew up." dane grins widely... looking up at you like a devil about to pick you up and run away with you.

"dane, where have you been???" lyla stands up after dane, grabbing onto his neck and hugging him.

dane kisses her forehead?? what!!!! grabbing onto her hips, the song "crazier" starts playing... dane spins you around, grinning. you and dane start dancing.

cleo is sneaking a video, dane spinning you around the fire

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cleo is sneaking a video, dane spinning you around the fire.

your brothers group of friends are hanging with the popular girls from your school.

colten glares at you two, you catch the glare and suddenly you kiss him, as you pull away he hauls you onto his shoulder, running at the water.

a bunch of people follow, dane throwing you into the water, as you come up and pull him into the water too!! people start to pile into the water, music now blasting.

colten storms over, he's mad? he pushes dane into the water. dane gets up, punching colten across the face. colten grunts, kicking dane back into the water, once he gets up pulling him into a headlock. dane punching him in the face again, colten falling into the water. dane runs out, dragging colten on the ground. colten rolls over, sitting on top of dane and constantly punching him. i run over pushing colten off of dane,

"what the fuck is wrong with you what the fuck!" i start screaming at colten, slapping him across the face. cj grabs onto colten, putting his arm around him as his group walk back to the pickup. i crouching down at now unconscious dane, hand on his cheek, i kiss him. pulling him up,

"cleo, i need help." cleo grabs onto his other arm, we pull him up and manage to somewhat drag him.

—time skip to my house.

me and cleo are panting, we open the door, we drop him for a second, then picking him back up, we drag him down the stairs and drop him onto my bed. me and cleo burst out laughing barely able to breathe. dane wakes up, aggressively asking where he is.

cleo giggles, looking over at me like i have an answer.

you hear cj, colten, cash, niko, and justin all watching cj play fortnite.

dane winces, putting his hand up to his face. you hand him the frozen pack of peas.

"concussed, i think" you giggle, dane let's out a smile, then lays back down with a grunt.

— time skip to morning

you and cleo are asleep, you next to dane and chloe on the floor. you wake up suddenly, a bad dream i assume. cleo rolls over, yawning. you look over to a snoring dane, then getting up as cleo walks up the door.

yo what time is it... breakfast time!!!!!

you and cleo are flipping pancakes and eggs, soon... abby walks in the door with a yell,

"ayyyyy!" she yells as she walks into the kitchen, opening the drawers like she knows exactly where everything is, grabbing a spatula and taking over the egg scrambling so i can make some more egg batter. eggs, milk. dane walks up the stairs, half dead as he walks into the kitchen, sticks his finger in the pancake batter and licks it....

"that is salty as fuck," dane flutters his eyes and looks at abby,

"abby!!! long time no see." dane smiles, grabbing onto lyla, hugging her.

you sigh, "how's your face? i'll grab you some tylenol." you say, walking toward the medicine cabinet. you grab the tylenol, "don't know your weight so take like 3 and a half," you toss him it, he catches it and opens the bottle, grabbing the amount you stated and swallowing the pills. dane clings onto you once more, then stepping away as all of the boys come running up the stairs. dane leans on a counter, the boys rushing in and getting breakfast as always. colten glares at you, no one's noticed dane yet, suprisingly. colten lifts your chin, stepping away shooting you an angry glance after. coltens eyes lock on dane, everyone then noticed him..

"mann.. you been fucking on my sister?" cj laughs, dapping dane up.

"nah nah, i don't even know what happened but i'm pretty sure i just slept here after.." dane points at his face then points at coltens also beat up face.

cj slaps danes back playfully. he approves.. somewhat. you raise a brow at the both of them, picking up a pancake and plopping it onto a plate, then scooping up some eggs with a weird spoon, drizzling syrup over everything. i then hand it to dane, smiling as i grab his hand. colten looks even more mad, jackpot. you giggle as abby slips on some syrup spilt on the floor.. cleo helping her up. a playful conversation starts, talking about girls and games and alcohol . dane chimes in,

"personally, i don't drink when the girl is with me." dane grins, the boys start to giggle, all except colten.. he rolls his eyes. the boys start to talk again, dane walks over to you.
"give me a ride home?" he says after giving you a peck.

"as long as we can take these two idiots," i giggle, leading them all out to the shared pickup.

honorable mention to safetaynet trashbag29
my biggest supporters fr... hope you love this chapter.

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