kissing in the rain

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as you both hop into the truck, abby and jaida following but in the backseats, you start up the car and your music starts blaring

the way i loved you, taylor swift

you start to back out, you get a blinking noise.. oh em gee you almost ran colten over?? you roll down the window as he comes over, shooting daggers at dane as you raise a brow.

colten grunts, " watch where you're going bro. "

you roll your eyes as you scoff, " i thought you said hit and run the last time you backed into someone's car and i was with?"

dane frowns, colten now giggling as he walks back to the house.

you start to back out once more, then turning to drive out. you are jamming as you drive, your head turns as you look at dane, he's glaring at his phone as he group snaps different girls, you speed up a bit as abby and jaida gossip in the back seat.

it's raining.
you soon pull up to dane's house, not very fancy but still expensive looking. you both hop out of the car, he grabs onto your hips and lifts your chin with his knuckles, then leaning in and kissing you. he then slowly takes his hands away.. turns and walks away. he opens to door to his house and walks in, winking at you as he closes it. you turn, abby is snickering.. and jaida is looking wide eyed.

short chapter, been super busy!


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