blushing all the way home

12 1 7

gonna throw some enchanted and love story into this book soon!!!!!

you woke up, you loft your head and rub your eyes. you look over, colten.

oh my god oh my god.

you grab your phone, it's only 6:00 am. god damnit, you feel sick.. butterflies. colten opens his eyes, lifting your chin. you blink at him, he pulls you in and kisses you, you explore a bit.. making out. your phone lights up, you let go and check your messages. it's your dad,

stay away from that colten boy. i know your brother has them over.

you gulp, looking back over at colten.. he fell back asleep. ugh, you throw your phone to the floor, it doesn't make a noise, luckily. you find yourself letting reality set in, you just made out with colten. oh my god! ugh.. butterflies again. you cant beileve you just kissed him.. you weren't aware of your first kiss, you were drunk. your head is pounding, your hungover.

you wake up again, you head rucus in your brothers room and colten isn't here anymore. you walk over to your room, cleo greets you at the door.

"should we make breakfast?" you ask cleo.

"i suppose, more than usual so the boys don't eat it all." she laughs.

you two skitter upstairs, cleo is rummaging in the cabinets to get her secrect ingredients for her deluxe fluffy pancakes. you walk over to the fridge, leaning into the fridge door to open it and grabbed the thawed out ish bacon. i also grabbed the carton of eggs and milk. i grabbed a bowl after putting the bacon into the air fryer. i cracked 6 eggs into the bowl and poured about 2 cups of milk, mixing and adding salt and some zesty ingredients. i put the eggs onto a buttered pan, mixing around. they were pretty fluffy and i took them off, putting them onto a plate and repeating the steps and cooking some more while cleo made her pancakes on the burner next to mine. cleo flips the pancakes and creates a stack of them one one plate, i walk out the the kitchen..walking over to the stairs.

"breakfast is ready!" i yell down the stairs, my voice shakes a bit as i realize colten is still down there.

we wait about 5 minutes, the boys rumble upstairs i freeze, cleo puts a hand on my back. i turn away from them, colten walks in and puts his arms around my neck. my hands shake, i put mine around his arms.

"goodmorning," colten says with a yawn.

"oh fuck off my sister dude!" cj whines,

i gulp, colten drops his hands and puts his hands on the air as a surrender at cj. the boys grab the plates we set out and dish up, grabbing pancakes, eggs and bacon. you can't speak, but the boys are talking back and forth. i turn..walking out of the kitchen and going to the bathroom. i turn on the sink, putting my hands under and splashing my face. oh my god. what the fuck! i hit my head with my hands. i touch my cheek.. shit it's bleeding but how? i grab toilet paper and scramble for a bandaid. i put it on and walk out and go into the kitchen again, the boys are almost done eating. i look at cleo and she raises brow at me, i raise one back. i look at colten, he's staring right at me. i turn, my head is pounding. i go back downstairs and go sit in the living room.


"shit i gotta shit," colten said, clear excuse.

"go in mine." cj says, thinking i'm still upstairs.

colten gets up, walking voer to the stairs then hopping down. he runs into the downstairs living room.

"hey you." he says softly.

you look away, i don't feel like talking to him right now. colten comes and sits down next to me. grabbing my chin and pulling my face to make me look at him.

"what's your deal?" he grumbled.

"you. that's my deal." i shook his hand off and looked back away.

"why? i haven't done nothin." he scoffs.

"you are messing with my head! one moment your like in love with me the next you are like... avoiding me. make up you mind you- big!! i don't know!!"
i get up, storming up the stairs and running out to my car, cleo quickly follows.

"woah what's your deal?" cleo says as she closes her car door.

"i just need to go for a drive." i sigh, i blew up for no reason.. is this really reasonable?

"coltens always feelin up on you huh." cleo mumbles.

"he followed me downstairs, i kinda yelled at him. i guess." i started to race down our gravel road, what the fuck is up with my emotions.

"step off the pedal god damn," cleo grabs your arm.

i halt to a stop, cleo's head fly's forward.

"holy shit, go step out and i don't know fucking kick some shit." cleo pushes me out of the car.

i close the door, walking down onto the ditch and finding some tree trunks and dead shit, i start to just fucking beat the shit out of a tree. cleo gets out of the car, sitting on the ditch to watch me.

once i'm done i just lay on my back on the ground, i don't know if i'm morally mad about colten or my ex. maybe a mix of both.. i breath heavily for a minute or two, letting go of my ex. i get it now.. coltens fishing and i'm feeding into the bait. i scrunch my face. what the fuck! just what the fuck. i sit up, then getting up and breathing a bit. i start to walk back to my car, cleo is already back in her glammed out seat. i lightly close my car door, sigh and look over at cleo.

"fuck man." i groan, turning on my car.

"oh girl, your gonna be fine." cleo grabs your hand, squeezes it then let's go.

um tell me if she's too dramatic in this.. cuz maybe i was?? LMAO but um yes!! im also writing a thriller go check it out!!!

THIS NOVEL IS BEING REWRITTEN.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz