heeseung- sweet coffee love

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Heeseung sat nervously at the corner of the bustling cafe, his heart beating a mile a minute. He had been crushing on a girl named y/n for what felt like an eternity. Today, he finally gathered the courage to ask her out on a coffee date. He fiddled with his phone, waiting anxiously for her to arrive.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he spotted a familiar face entering the cafe. y/n's smile illuminated the room as she scanned the area, her eyes finally landing on Heeseung. He held his breath, his palms growing sweaty.

She approached the table, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Hey, Heeseung! Sorry for being late. Traffic was crazy," she said, her voice gentle and warm.

Heeseung managed to stutter out a reply, "N-no problem at all. I'm just glad you made it."

They ordered their coffees and settled into a comfortable conversation, their words flowing effortlessly. They discovered shared interests, laughed at each other's jokes, and found solace in each other's company. Time seemed to stand still as they got lost in the magical moment.

As the afternoon sun cast a golden glow through the cafe windows, Heeseung realized that this was the happiest he had been in a long time. y/n's laughter filled his ears, and her smile melted away all his worries. He couldn't help but think that he had found something special.

Before they knew it, their cups were empty, and the cafe was closing for the day. Reluctantly, Heeseung gathered his courage once more. "y/n, I had a wonderful time today. Would you like to go out again sometime? Maybe for dinner?"

Her eyes lit up with joy, and a blush adorned her cheeks. "I would love to, Heeseung! I had an amazing time too."

Heeseung's heart soared, and a grin broke out on his face. He couldn't believe his luck. With newfound excitement, he suggested a day and time, and they exchanged numbers.

As they walked out of the cafe, the streetlights flickered on, creating a romantic ambiance. The city bustled around them, but they were lost in their own little world.

As they said their goodbyes, Heeseung couldn't resist the urge any longer. He reached out and gently held y/n's hand, intertwining their fingers. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, everything felt right.

Heeseung and y/n knew that their journey was just beginning, but they were ready to face it together. Hand in hand, they strolled down the sidewalk, their hearts overflowing with hope and happiness.

And as the moon rose high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the city, Heeseung and y/n's love story bloomed, painting their lives with colors they had never imagined.

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