jungwon- constellations

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I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter as I watched Jungwon's eyes light up with excitement. We were sitting on the park bench, enjoying a sunny afternoon together. His fingers intertwined with mine, creating a warm and comforting sensation that never failed to make me feel safe.

"Hey, y/n," he said, breaking the comfortable silence between us. His voice held a mischievous tone that piqued my curiosity.

I turned towards him, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yes, Jungwon?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Do you remember that time, a long time ago, when you mentioned something about yourself? Something little but incredibly significant to me?"

I furrowed my brow, racking my brain to recall any such conversation. It was typical for Jungwon to remember the smallest details, but I couldn't fathom what he was referring to. "I'm not sure, Jungwon. Could you remind me?"

A playful smirk danced across his face as he leaned closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "You once told me how much you loved watching the stars, and how they made you feel like you were a part of something bigger. Remember?"

My eyes widened in surprise, and I felt a warmth spread through my chest. He remembered. It was a sentiment I had expressed in passing, a tiny fragment of my soul shared with him in a moment of vulnerability. But I never expected him to hold onto it so dearly.

A soft gasp escaped my lips as I struggled to find words. "Jungwon, I... I can't believe you remember that."

He smiled, his gaze never leaving mine. "How could I forget something that makes you so beautifully you? It's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you, y/n. Your ability to find wonder in the smallest things."

I was touched beyond words, my heart overflowing with love for this incredible person before me. How had I gotten so lucky to have someone who cherished even the tiniest fragments of my being?

Jungwon reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. He handed it to me with a mischievous grin. "I've been saving this for the perfect moment. Open it."

I carefully unfolded the paper, revealing a delicately drawn constellation of stars. Each one was meticulously crafted, a stunning representation of the night sky. Tears welled up in my eyes as I traced the lines with my finger, feeling a profound sense of connection to this beautiful gesture.

"It's the constellation you once told me was your favorite," Jungwon whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "A reminder that you'll always be a part of something bigger, and that I'm right here beside you, admiring the stars with you."

Emotion overwhelmed me as I launched myself into his arms, holding him tight. "Jungwon, I love you so much. Thank you for remembering and for this incredible gift."

He wrapped his arms around me, his voice filled with warmth. "My love, I'll always remember the little things because they make you who you are. And I want to treasure every piece of you, now and forever."

In that moment, I realized that love was not just about grand gestures or extravagant displays. It was the ability to see the beauty in the simplest moments and remember the little things that made us who we are. And as we sat there, beneath the vast sky, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for this extraordinary love we shared.

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