A Demonic Wednesday

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There are holes throughout my entire body and the chains are suspending me up through them. I have scars which are cuts, bullet holes, and burnt skin. I'm constantly bleeding due to the chains being holy chains that wouldn't heal the wounds that are currently covering my body. Not to mention in Naked as well which is honestly a boring attempt to attack my dignity."Hello, are you ready for another hellish training session?"I hear a voice as they come closer. I look up to see my mother Morticia Addams steps closer into the light so that I can see her. I remain silent thinking of when will this boring day end."Ohhhh Wednesday cat got your tongue or have you finally listened to reason and given up on defying your family?"I remain silent since there's nothing to talk about. She lowers the level of my chain and grabs a weapon. She looks a little annoyed from my silence and plunges a sword into my stomach making me scream and grunt in pain. I feel the holy energy coming off them and now wonder what the hell she gets them from."Oh interested in how I got these? Well, you can also say sorry and come back to your family with open arms and find out."I look down at her and spit in her face." YOU LITTLE BITCH OF A WHORE!!" she punches me again and again and I grunt out in pain until it eventually turns into screams. The punches with on for a while until she comes down leaving me a limp on the chains barely able to see, think, or feel.."Forgive me my little raven but your actions brought this upon yourself. I did it only out of love and this hurt me more than it hurt you."She raises the chains lifting me back up into the air." But before I leave I have a gift" All I heard was a muffle until a searing pain was embedded in my stomach, slicing into it and penetrating through the back. It was also a holy weapon so it constantly killed me slowly. I hear my mother sigh in relief and walk away with the tray and I sit up here waiting for another torture session. I haven't had a rest since this incident years ago. And if you are wondering how's that possible it's because I'm a demon and am hell-bent on destroying the Addams Family. I already killed my brother Pugsley and my cousin Moe. They killed Uncle Fester first and the line was crossed when they killed my human love, Melania. This whole time my rage and hatred towards them has been growing but I keep it hidden so they can let their guard down. I'm currently trapped in hell literally so I'm waiting till one of my siblings or cousins other than my mother comes to see me. It's only a matter of time I thought with a sinister smile. Some days go by and my cousin Maya pops in. I looked up at her and her face looks like she was disgusted with me.''Well little cousin you are in a very pitiful state" she says but I remain quiet quiet."Especially that whore you tried to hide since she was 20 fear under" As she finishes that last word veins from all over my body and blood bleed from my eyes and I wrinkle around in the chains wanting to kill the bitch who disrespected my lover."KEEP ON TALKING YOU MIGHT FINE YOUR SOUL REMOVED FROM YOUR BODY CONSIN" I say with venom."Hmph you can't do anything since you're chained like a hoe on a pole."I smile at her like a crazy person and she steps back a bit kinda startled by me smiling, "OH BELIEVE THE ONLY HOLDING ME BACK FROM DRINKING YOU BODY AND SOUL WHILE USING your SKULL AS A DRINKING CUP IS THESE CHAINS." I hear her gulp very quietly and she quickly runs away I calm down a bit thinking I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me. I sigh as I rest for another day but instantly got woken by a kick which shoved the holy sword in me deeper.''Oh hello brother" I say as I see Pubert. He's grown over the years into a tall man in a suit with a Mexican-styled mustache. Kinda darker skinned than the other members of the family."I love using you as a punching bag since you killed  MY older brother and cousin." I notice my restraints are gone but the sword is still stuck in my stomach."Imma killing you regardless if you the heir to the family or not." He begins to come at me to kill but he made the big mistake of taking the chains off. I smile sinisterly as he lands a direct blow to my face but I didn't budge."What's wrong little bother stunned why am I so strong even after I was restrained for months without end" I chuckle as I grab his fist from my face and begin to overpower him with my strength making him kneel to the pain."There's a reason why I was bound with so many holy chains but to give you a taste of my power why don't you just be absorbed by it?" I summon a huge demonic raven and ordered it to swallow him whole. It did in one gulp and I felt some of my power return as I feel his power and soul become fully absorbed with mine. He tasted disgusting but I tasted worse and I pull out the holy sword burning my hands. Now begins my revenge.

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