My food Plan

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Dear Beth,
I just had the best idea EVER!
I'm going to write down my meal plan in this diary!
Now, whenever I even THINK about eating anything other than what is on it, I can look back and be like, "Oh, but I'm not allowed".
I just can NOT let mum see this.
Anyways, let's get to it!

Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: Nothing
Dinner: whatever is served or less
Dessert: nothing

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: when offered maccas (bc it's netball night) order something but don't eat it.
Dessert: nothing

Breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: take five dollars for dinner, but don't get anything.
Dessert: nothing

If offered food, decline it.

Sooooo Beth, what do you think.
I know, I know.
Your probs up there going, "don't do this! It isn't safe!"
But I have to.
You don't understand.
And you never will.
No one will.
I'm more alone than I ever have been.
But I can get through this.
I just have to remember;
Skinny, pretty, loved.
It's all I have ever wanted be.
So I'm going to do it.
Hard work always pays off, right?


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