Mixing things up

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Dear Beth,
You know how on Thursdays I have this big excersise thingy that goes literally all day?
Well, I do have to eat just a tiny bit more on those days.
Only because they make me!
I still make sure that I burn off all the calories and carbs I eat on those days, but I still feel like I eat a lot on those days.
So on a Friday, I am cutting out the egg I normally eat for breakfast.
So it's just dinner or a bit less than dinner on a Friday.
It's not bad, right?
I'm just doing what is best for me.
Skinny, pretty, loved.
Everything I have always wanted.
Everything I need.
Skinny, pretty, loved.
I will be fine.
I am fine.
So stop worrying about me, and let me just do my thing.
I cant let mum find out about this, either.
Which is why I hide this diary under my pillow and never take it out unless I am writing in it.
And if there is a chance she might be going to go through my room for some reason, I take it with me wherever I am going.
Anyways, I should probably start getting ready for school.
Missing You.


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