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"Mumm... maa... Fa.....sst...." Moon shouted excitedly, ready for going to school, her grandpa laughed at her

"Gulfie.. son... look how excited she is...." Narong said to his son who was packing tiffin (lunch box) for her and also for himself,

"yeah... I can see that..." Gulf said smiling at his daughter, and why she is excited cause yesterday when they returned home they got a surprise from Gulf's Father, A dashing motorbike which made their mood brighten up.

Gulf was happy but he scolded his father for buying this saying he can save this for himself and not waste money like that.

But His father replied "It's not a waste it is for both of them, especially for the Gulf he doesn't need to use public transportation as Bangkok has heavy traffic, and also up-down from home to the hospital will be easier and most importantly for his safety mostly for nights.." he is really worried for his beautiful son, why not...?! the world seems nice but it is not if the situation comes in, is dangerous.!!

Now they are going to school using the bike, she is super excited...

She took her bag-pack giving a sweet kiss to his grandpa "Baa... ye... gan... pa..."


Gulf settle both of their things on the bike then he made Moon wear a helmet and put her on the bike. He sat before her.

"hold me tightly.. no naughty ok" He warned her

"yeah.." she said holding her mumma's waist tightly with his little hands  but she jumped excitedly that made Gulf worry more, he can't...!! what if she jumps onto the seat while riding... he stood and put her in front of him then he started for their journey of the day "never jump like that ok Moon or I will beat you ok..."

"ok mum.. maa..." she was smiling she doesn't mind his mother being angry now her focus was on the bike..

"brrrrrmmmmm.... Brrrrrmmmm..." puckering her lips she rolled out the sound matching with the bike...






After dropping his daughter at school, Gulf reached the hospital for his work. He was very busy and didn't get the time to eat, but he was called by his friend aka Doctor Mild in his cabin where they both had their talk about even some cases and the rest were about their family, in-between Mild told Gulf to meet Doc. Sammy before leaving as he had asked for a special appointment and said that if he will be free then he might join him.

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