CHAP- 16

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Hey dear lovelies, getting updates so the author hopes you all are happy

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Hey dear lovelies, getting updates so the author hopes you all are happy... Author was so busy with work, still busy but she took out some time to write cause work is work but writing is love for her... It's a way where she drowns herself into different emotions....


Gulf just finished attending his father's call at the other side of the mansion, just when he turned to return to his daughter. His hand was grabbed by a force dragging him to the poolside area, Gulf didn't want to create any scene, he was horrified that who dared to touch him like that. But he stopped himself from shouting when he saw the person.

No one was around there, pure silence with a cold breeze passing by them....

Gulf released his hand from Aphisit's grip and asked lowly but in a daring tone "How dare you to touch me..?!"

"Please let me explain.." Aphisit begged

"Why...? And Now..?!! I don't need it.."

"You still have my heart baby please.. just once... then I will never bother you... please.." Aphisit clasping his hands in front of him, said with a desperate tone

"Love..!!. ohh stop all this nonsense ok... and don't call me that you have no right on me... I belong to myself..." Gulf cleared himself, he didn't care really, the anger was rising now...

Aphisit suddenly held his hand and kneeled before him as tears welled up in his eyes "Please, please... or I will jump into the pool you know that I can't swim"

This statement really shocked Gulf but still, he spoke "First leave my hand OK.." Gulf knew Aphisit was not joking cause it had happened before not like he jumped on his own but before their marriage.

Aphisit Jumped after Gulf inside the pool where Gulf jumped to help the little girl who was drowning but Aphisit jumped cause he couldn't see Gulf in danger even though he couldn't swim that day was very grateful cause that action of his was first step towards the beginning of the relationship in the past.


"I didn't cheat on you, yeah..! I lied to you cause I was afraid to lose you... You know that day I went to my father's party... My father only knew I was dating a boy so he planned to drug me.. he succeeded in that... I was drugged I didn't even know what happened between me and that girl.. I apologized to her and left but again after 2 months she came to me and told me she was pregnant with my child..." Now Aphisit was crying, cause he had no one to share his side of the pain

"and my father forced me to marry her even though I was married, our marriage was not a fake baby... he warned me to take responsibility and show care to her, to be a man... I had no choice left.. so I just accepted it... I lied and started to two lives cause I love you more than anything... I can't leave cause she is a woman with a child... I am so sorry baby... please... please...."

Gulf's eyes also went teary but still he held himself "You chose her over me, now we are over and you have a family and you just had a baby think about them..."

"no.. no... no.... if you say now... I leave everything, please... I am sorry... sorry... sorry... Sorry..." Aphisit put his emotions crying his heart out, his lips and hands were shivering.

"just leave.." Gulf let out, it was so much to handle now... the feeling of pain was now trying to surface outside...

"Ohh... you have a family... a daughter it's ok... I will love her as my own... I know her mother left you... please sorry... don't forgive but give me a chance.." Aphisit begged like a crazy man

His words were now piercing Gulf's heart. Gulf gave a tight slap to him "Don't you dare say anything more... go or I will do something which you will regret for sure... fake drama, fake sorry.." Gulf's heart is stone now, it can't melt even though the truth is before him but Aphisit hid it and lied to him. Now it's impossible to go back cause he can't love anymore...

And going back to ex can never be a good decision for anyone.

Aphisit pulled out a ring "Baby... I bought these ring and wanted to give you on our anniversary with a child adoption paper. But before that, we separated... I am late... it was a surprise and I knew how you wanted a family.." Aphisit smiled through tears remembering the moment

And this somehow pained Gulf, as it was so true.... Gulf knew Aphisit was not lying now he was nominal with words. Didn't know what to say... Numerous beautiful broken memories... Maybe is not meant to be or it would have not happened...

"for our baby, this ring I can't keep, and now you have a baby girl... give it to her.. please... then I will not bother you..." Aphisit cried with hope...

At that moment Gulf just went with the flow he took the ring, and there he could see three little diamonds and a beautiful carving of 'our baby'.

Without saying anything Gulf left with a ring, yeah they both are broken but still... Moon is there...

Aphisit was crying watching the leaving image of the Gulf.


"Mum... ma... it..... bee... full.." Moon exclaimed with joy as Gulf put the ring in a chain and then put it on Moon's neck.

He smiled with teary eyes. As Moon was lying on his chest looking at the ring pendant with adoring eyes. Last night Gulf was not in the right state of mind but today Mew confronted him with uneasy questions.

It started a turmoil in his heart, so keeping everything aside Gulf gave that ring in a form pendant to Moon. Moon has every right to that, it is from his father even though both are unaware but there's love and blessings of a father that she always wanted.

He kissed her forehead then patted Moon's head till both went to sleep... After years of pain, Gulf slept not with a heavy heart. Now, he knows the truth and now he hopes Aphisit will never going to bother him in the future....


Next Morning

Gulf and Moon were ready to leave for their respective places, but the door bell rang and Earth opened the door. Mew with his whole family like parents and brother's wife and children came, Aphisit didn't come...

Gulf's father welcomed them and told them to be seated. Earth's parents were also present.

Gulf just smiled at them and then got busy with his daily routine. Others were busy talking and laughing as Gulf was getting out from there with Moon, he heard an unusual announcement from Mew declaring

"We want to have a ring engagement in 3 days as we decided and Earth also agreed"

But something seemed so off to Gulf of suddenly announcing the engagement... still he left with Moon. 



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