Chapter 2

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I sat on my bed trying desperately not to think about what I had witnessed. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his face of disgust, and his words replay in my mind. 'What are you doing here?'

Those words, they crushed me. I loved the wrong man. I thought. I am so stupid, you know he has to be cheating when everything in life is going just perfectly. but I'm too blind and naive to see that. I'm so stupid...

I heard my mother yelling at my father. they always fight. I try to break it up, but I always end up being the one that gets hurt. always.

I heard a plate shatter and a thud.
I sprinted down the stairs as fast as my little legs could take me.

I saw my mother laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. her eyes, dead and emptied of life.

My mother is dead... Is all I could think. I called 911 immediately.

"911 what is your emergency?" I struggled for words in between my sobs. "m-my m-mother is d-dead... her husband, m-my father, k-killed h-her..." I heard shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, would you please tell me you, and your fathers names please?" I nodded to myself. "uh, I am Jacklyn Brooks. and my father is Joseph Brooks." I stood leaning against the wall. a single tear slid down my puffy cheek. "And your mother?" I cleared my throat. "uh, Cecelia Cordon. or Cecelia Brooks." I could hear the shuffling of papers. she was writing something down. "Ma'am, what's your address?" I sniffled. "2177 walt. st." I heard more papers being moved. "ok, thank you ma'am. we will be there shortly." I nodded to myself. "thank you." and hung up the phone.

Well, right when life's getting better, it just takes it's road down the shitter... I thought to myself.

AN: hey guys! I need more feedback on my stories. I need to know our opinions on them! so please leave a comment if you can!





Married?! To HIM?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin