On in 5

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"Lixie you're on in 5"
"Let's do this"

"Oh my gosh Lixie ! You killed it out there" a fellow dancer squealed.
"Aww thank you hon. I try" Felix laughed flipping his long blonde hair.

Felix made his way to his vanity in the dressing room, "Hannie do you have any makeup remover -" the blonde was cut off "let me guess you forget yours" the friend appeared out of nowhere.
"You know me so well dear" Felix booping the boy on his nose.
Han rolled his eyes "Hey .. I heard you put on quite a show tonight" he winked at the blonde.
"Yeah luckily it got me enough money to pay our rent this month" the blonde said while in the middle of cleaning his mascara off.
Han sighed which quickly caught the attention of the blonde "Hm you know Hannie, if you actually tried to put effort into your routine, you'd get that amount too" Felix knew his friend was upset because he wasn't getting the amount the blonde was and it wasn't because han didn't get attention or didn't have men willing to pay, but han didn't enjoy being a burlesque dancer. He had no choice but to become one. His routines were half effort and in this business your performances determine how much you will be paid in the end.

Han sighed "Lix you know I don't want to do this forever, I want to live a normal life with a regular job and a regular lifestyle not ALL this. Not old men and horny college kids trying to buy my body" Han exclaimed. Han wasn't a dancer by choice, he was a dancer because he had no choice.

Felix felt the exact same, when the blonde was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up or what he saw himself doing in 10 years. He'd never imagine he'd be a burlesque dancer but life isn't fair and sometimes you have no choice but to survive. Felix had a drunken father and a mother who suffered from bipolar disorder so his home life was anything but normal. He dealt with this for years until he couldn't take it anymore, One day he decided to pack his bags and leave everything behind.

Felix had no plan, no place to stay, no money to his name. One night he found himself in a diner, eating a cheap meal he was able to get with a few dollars he managed to pan handle. That was when a young woman introduced herself .. she sat with the blonde and made conversation with him. Felix didn't know her but at the moment he needed a friend so he confided in her and told her everything.
"You know .. a cute little thing like you can make a whole lot of money where I work" She said.
"What do you do ?" Felix asked.
"I'm a dancer" she giggled.
She explained exactly what she did and how much she would make and being in Felix position with not a cent to his name, this sounded like the answer to all his prayers.
He told her that he'd think about it, the money seemed like a good enough reason to do it but his self respect and morals clouded his decision. In the end he decided to call her. "You can't pay bills or buy food with morals and respect" he thought.

Han also ran away but not from his parents, he was running from an abusive ex who was controlling and possessive. Han left his parents home to live with his then boyfriend, although his parents were against this, his ex convinced him they were in love. At first it was amazing but over time his ex boyfriend became verbally and physically abusive. He never let the boy have friends or go out or be independent.
One night the beating was so bad that Han ran away while the man was asleep he went to the nearest bus stop and didn't care where it went. He only had the clothes on his back as he walked around Seoul weak and hungry. He sat near a bus stop where a flyer was posted
    Hiring Now All Dancers !

Han read the flyer it didn't have too many details other then the address and phone number but what stuck out to him was the "get paid daily" that's all han needed. It was almost like a blessing in the devils disguise.

Felix sighed "Han if there's one thing to know, is that we have to play with the cards were dealt with"

Han shook his head and chuckled "some cards huh"

The Boss and The Burlesque ( Hyunlix ) Where stories live. Discover now