Beauty in the Burlesque

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"Hongjoong come on ! This is a deal of a lifetime, how can you pass it up" the man said agitated.

"San, I'm not handing over my wife's club that she worked so hard to get, to some Mafia Boss and his crew." The man hissed.

"Look I know this club meant a lot to Lily and I know you're holding on to it because you miss her but this club is not making enough money to cover the costs of everything. You're behind in all the bills to this place" San stated.

Hongjoong sat in his chair head in his palms, San was right this club was so far behind in bills that even their busiest night couldn't cover the costs.
He was surprised the lights we're still on, he wish he had his wife here to direct him what to do. After all this is the whole reason this place is even running.


Hongjoong and his wife Lily were high school sweethearts, they met in middle school but didn't confess their feelings until their sophomore year. He wasn't really popular or an athlete and he didn't have lots of friends but he was a sweetheart with a wonderful sense of humor which is what caught the eye of the popular and beautiful Lily. The couple couldn't be any more different but that didn't matter to them. They both loved each other.
Lily was a dancer on the schools dance team, she had been dancing since she was young so when asked what she wanted to do in her life after graduation, it was to become a professional dancer but life has a twisted way of doing things. Her senior year she was preparing to audition for an elite dance school in Seoul, she'd practice every single day and as the months went by she perfected her craft that was until a foot injury put an end to those dreams and was told she never be able to dance again. While in her depressive state, her husband tried to comfort her and motivate her to try something else or "it's all part of a grander plan" her to death. It seemed as if nothing was even worth fighting for, life was so unfair sometimes. That was until.

A year had passed and that's when Lily came up with a wonderful idea "Even if she couldn't dance, that doesn't mean she has to leave dancing forever" she thought to herself. Opening up her own Dance Studio seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel ! She pitched this idea to her husband who at first was reluctant but seeing his now wife's excitement after not seeing it for 2 years really encouraged him to support this idea.

She had searched far and wide for a space that was available to rent. Luck was finally in her favor when she stumbled upon a club space that was available, her and her husband quickly went to the space to look it over when they realized it wasn't just any club it was a burlesque club, dancers with beautiful bedazzled costumes, bold makeup and hair and the sets ? Even more extravagant.
Burlesque or show girls weren't taken serious among the general population most believed they were sinful and promiscuous. Dancing in revealing costumes for male attention ? There must be something unholy about it, it was quite the opposite to Lily though. She saw the amount of time the dancers spent preparing performances or making their costumes and she saw the blood sweat and tears put into each show.
In lily's head they were talented and passionate just like regular dancers. What made the two so different? Why is one looked at as scandalous and not respected when both love to perform ? This is what finalized lily's decision to keep the club as is.

It took lots of convincing but her husband finally agreed. Lily had a fund given to her by family when she graduated and with no hesitation she bought the place. To some this was just an impulsive venture to heal her heart from not dancing again. To some it was a bold and irresponsible move.
But to Lily this was a second chance, to give these dancers their first chance at a life of performing with no prejudice. She wanted to show people the beauty of dancing, the beauty of performing.

The Beauty of Burlesque

The Boss and The Burlesque ( Hyunlix ) Where stories live. Discover now