Day 03: Promise (ALT Title: Red Threaded Promise)

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A/N: This is in continuation with Day 04: Injured from 10 Days of LawLu 2022, but you can read it as a standalone too if you want!


Law could hear a chorus of hushed voices from behind the closed door of the infirmary, Tony-ya had recommended him complete bed rest until the fever was gone for good. Complete bed rest and complete silence which the fools outside the door were ignoring. Law buried his head beneath the pillow Luffy had vacated a few hours ago, hoping the noise would die down and he would be able to get some rest. But the sounds persisted so Law threw the pillow at the glass panel on the infirmary door, pulling a muscle as a consequence, pain shooting from his injured shoulder.

The surgeon was trying to calm himself down when the door opened and closed, and Law heard two pairs of footsteps.

"Law, are you awake?" It was Chopper.

"Can't really sleep with all the fucking noise out there." Law grumbled and made to sit up, the reindeer was probably there for a checkup.

"Your nakama are worried." Luffy said taking his hat off and putting it beside Law's.

"It would do them good to be quiet or I'm cutting out their voice boxes."

"I'm going to check on your injuries now, ok?" Chopper informed and began undoing the bandages around Law's torso and shoulder.

"I'm going out after this, so pad it too."

"You're not strong enough to walk for long."

"I've handled worse and my idiots would continue to crowd your ship unless they see me scowling at them." Law reasoned.

"Fine, but no exertions."

"I'll set up a seat on deck!" Luffy said and bounded off calling for Franky.

"How well can you handle pain?" Chopper asked when Luffy was out of earshot.

"Am I exceeding the recommended dose?" Law asked reading through the patient sheets Chopper had put on the bed earlier. "I am."

"Yes but your infection isn't going away quick enough so there is going to be pain and fever for at least another day."

"Cut off the painkillers then I'll deal with it somehow."

"I'm still rubbing the ointment so it will help at least dull it down a little." The small doctor said rubbing the said medicine then wrapped Law's wounds and padded as per his request. "Don't do something stupid."

"I'm not your captain." Law said back to Chopper and walked out of the infirmary before him, keeping Kikoku close in case he had to take support. The twenty Heart pirates were gathered outside the door, in the Sunny's kitchen, Law wondered what change of heart Sanji had to allow such a crowd. "Stop crying, I'm fine."

"Captainnnnnn!" Law's entire crew screamed and bawled.

"GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" Ah, there it was.

Law led his crew to the deck and sat down on the chair Luffy was saving for him. The crew all sat down in front of their captain completely aware that he was still injured and they weren't supposed to crowd him. Luffy dragged another chair to sit beside Law.

"How long are we sailing together?" Penguin asked.

"A few days I guess." Law answered truthfully.

"I'll rope the Tang to the ship then." Shachi said and got up with a few others to accomplish that task.

"Might be a good time to air it out too." Ikkaku suggested.

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