Day 04: Possessive

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Law was sitting on the deck of the Polar Tang, a journal in his hand, reading under the dim moon light. The submarine was docked at a port town beside the Thousand Sunny and the captain of the latter ship was dozing off on the surgeon's shoulder.

Law adjusted his glasses to be able to read better but even if he could, Luffy's snoring was making it impossible for him to comprehend what he was reading at all. The doctor was half willing to put the journal aside and go to bed but this is was a calm he hadn't felt in weeks so he wanted to stay up as long as he could and read. As if reading the thoughts that were going through Law's head, Kikoku, the Heart captain's cursed sword, slid from its place upright on the railing and fell on Law's head, hard, knocking his journal and glasses away from him, as if, telling Law to go to sleep.

Luffy woke to the sounds of Torao, talking to someone. The younger captain was confused because his haki couldn't pick up anybody near them, especially not in earshot. The rubber boy strained his ears to listen more, not wanting to open his eyes.

"I know I look like a fucking raccoon but I want to read this before something major happens and I cannot read it for a long time." Luffy heard Law say, there was no verbal response and Torao was talking again. "I promise I will go to sleep after the next chapter." Again, no one said anything in response. "Two pages?"

Luffy opened his eyes to see if his boyfriend had gone crazy and was talking to the wind but it was even weirder, enough that it brought the boy to giggles. "Torao, why are you talking to your sword?"

"I-" Law started, then turned red. "You heard nothing."

"I did, you were talking to your sword." Luffy wiped he sleep from his eyes, the situation in front of him was much more interesting.

Luffy watched as Law looked at his sword, then at Luffy, then at the deck, debating something, then at Luffy again. "Kikoku is a cursed sword and its spirit communicates with me." Law said quickly, hoping the entire thing would be too boring for the rubber captain to care about and he would forget it.

"Woahh!! Just like Zoro's swords!" Luffy jumped to his feet and shouted. Law groaned, there went his hope of the entire world not finding out about this.

"Keep quiet, people are sleeping." Law pulled Luffy to sit back down.

"What were you talking about?"

"It wants me to go to sleep, dropped itself on my head." Luffy laughed at the glare Law directed at the sword towards the end.

"Your sword's funny." The younger hopped to his feet and held his hand out for Law. "And it is right, let's go sleep."


"Say, Torao, I was thinking..." Luffy started the next day.

"No good ever comes out of that." Law chuckled and felt Kikoku literally glow at the comment, Luffy must have too.

"Did it just laugh at me?" Luffy frowned, Law's chuckled got caught in his throat.

"You could feel that?" Law raised both eyebrows, sort of impressed, sort of scared and sort of turned on.

"I could definitely hear it." The young captain crouched to eye level with the sword. "That's not nice, don't laugh at me again."

Kikoku's response to Luffy's words was a flick of the red rope across his rubber face with a very audible snap.

"Kikoku, what the fuck!" Law scolded and put the sword aside to check on his boyfriend. There was a mark on Luffy's cheek, on Luffy's rubber cheek.

"Why does this hurt?" Luffy rubbed at his cheek and Law pulled the younger's hand away to assess the damage. The doctor quickly rubbed an ointment on the small rash and put a yellow band-aid on it. "It's not supposed to hurt if it's not haki or seastone."

"I have no idea, could be because it's a cursed blade." Law tried explaining something he didn't understand himself, then turned to his sword, lying on the bench he was not so long sitting on himself. "Don't harm him again!"

In response to Law's comment, the sword glowed a little red before settling. Law couldn't think of a reason why his beloved sword had reacted this way.

"I'm sorry about that." Law said, the only thing he could really say to the whole situation, until he heard Zoro cackling in the distance.

"Your sword's jealous, Torao!" Zoro shouted and laughed more to himself. "You're spending more time with Luffy!"

"What!" Law felt it hard to believe in the first few seconds it took to register in his brain, then it made sense.

"Torao likes me more, of course he'd spend more time with me than the sword." Luffy said with a shrug and Kikoku glowed red in response again. Law swatted at the sheath before there was a repeat of the earlier happening.

"Mugiwara-ya, stop provoking my sword! It just harmed you!" Law hit Luffy up the head lightly then turned to Kikoku again when he felt like it was telling him to be reasonable and pay it more attention instead. "Behave! I will lock you in solitary and you know we both don't like that."

The situation calmed down with a bit of effort on Law's part and only when Luffy was out of sight. The rest of the day carried on without another happening of the same issue and Law breathed in relief, thinking he had lucked out and wouldn't have to worry about the entire thing again.

He thought so too soon.

"See, Torao likes me more, he gives me portions from his food." Luffy stuck his tongue out at Kikoku resting beside Law's chair at the dinner table aboard the Sunny. "Torao's mine." Law turned red at the public declaration that made everyone stop what they were talking about and stare at the captain boyfriends.

"Do-" Law was about to reprimand Luffy about his words but Kikoku acted faster and dropped itself on Luffy, in a very painful place.

"Owwww!" The young captain fell from his seat holding his crotch.

"What the fuck is wrong with you both!" Law stood up ready to pick up his sword and boyfriend, to scold them both but Luffy recovered fast and took a hard hold of the cursed blade, as if strangling it.

"No! Torao's mine!" Luffy shouted and went out of the kitchen towards the railing on the deck, hanging Kikoku over the edge, above the open sea. Kikoku, in return had the red rope wrapped around Luffy's neck, tightly, cutting off his air supply.

"Stop it both of you!" Law called from a distance but it disappeared in the air. Zoro was laughing his ass off inside the ship watching his captain fight with a cursed blade.

Kikoku was angry and equally stupid to pick the fight with Luffy but Law could sense its worry over the cracks that would soon appear if Luffy decided to use haki and the rubber boy wasn't doing much better himself, his face slowly turning blue.

"ROOM!" Law called and pulled a scalpel from his sleeve, cutting at the air that was connecting his boyfriend and his sword. "Shambles." The next moment the three of them were in Law's quarters inside the Polar Tang. "You're both getting along or I'm dumping both your asses. And I do have a replacement." Law threatened, eyes shining a dangerous golden even in the dim light of the room.

Kikoku protested with a glow, not wanting to share its time with Law and lose its wielder to a human.

"You can trust him, he helped me take down Doflamingo, didn't he? You were there." Law reasoned. "And he chose you to hold the promise ring too, didn't he? Because he knows you're important to me and always close." The lack of response was a good thing, it meant Law was getting through to the sword.

Luffy stuck his tongue out at the blade again and Law hit his head. "What'd you do that for?!" Luffy pouted holding his head because Law used haki.

"Show Kikoku some respect, it kept watch over you when you were comatosed in the Tang, after Marineford. I couldn't have saved you without it." Law scolded. Luffy hunched his shoulders and mumbled a barely coherent apology but that was enough for Kikoku. Law looked from Kikoku to Luffy then to Kikoku again. "And if you both start a possession war over me again, I will have you both melted," Law said looking at the sword, "and divorced, even when we are not married," Law said turning to Luffy.

"Torao's mean." Luffy said pouting and Kikoku glowed a little green in affirmation to Luffy.

"Finally something you both agree on."


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