Chapter 11

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"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
-Dalai Lama

I spent the next day feeling something I hadn't in quite a long time- at peace. I had, though it was most difficult to do, broke things off with Carly. Though it was hard, as I have said countless times, it was for the best. And if that wasn't good enough, I had seen my bully be made to look like the pathetic little creature he deemed me to be. He was there cowering in front of his superior- a feeling I had felt oh so many times before and even after.

But I was confused. I had watched many movies over the years and when this happens its normal, but in real life? It just didn't make any sense. Why did Chadley want to save me? What did he see in me that made him feel I even deserved to be saved? Or did it even have anything to do with me at all? The way he looked at DD begs the question of what the hell happened to make them despise each other so much? Could he have saved me purely due to his hatred for DD? That would probably make more sense.

The day did, however, go along quite flippantly with barely a word said by DD and hardly any mocking. I presumed word had gotten around about the fight between DD and Chadley. I say fight but it was much more of a public spanking. To keep DD in check and it was badass. How did it happen? Good question. Well apparently, as I had obviously expected, Judas had been hiding in the bushes behind me filming the whole thing on his iPhone. Apparently he wasn't getting enough hits on his other videos. Which does beg the question why was he hiding in the bushes or did he just do this on the regular? I guess I will never know.

Another PE session where I got knocked around like a prostitute on a street corner with rugby apparently not being my cup of tea. Especially since it was full contact with the much better set 1's. But thankfully no DD since he had called in sick or just didn't want to show his face after getting his ass kicked so bad. He wasn't this big belligerent bully that I had come to fear but merely a coward who preys on the weak. And now he was finally being exposed, he was the talk of the year group- not in the way he would have hoped.

I later walked out the gates of Bishop Beginsford with my eyes looking forward instead of screwed to the floor as was the norm at that point. I kept marching forward until a black Rolls Royce sped towards the school with Chadley in the driver's seat. It stopped mere metres away from me and he popped his large head out the window with a lager in his hand.

"Hey Callum!... This is the guy I was telling you about." He said to a figure I could barely see in the seat next to him but was equally as imposing.

"Ah Callum lad! How's it going mate!" He seemed a little drunk and had a faint Australian accent, so it fit the stereotype quite well. The kind of friends I had pictured Chadley as having.

"Been better." I lied. I felt great.

"I get ya. Had my better days but put a lager or two down me and next thing you know all the problems go away... DD's a right arse. But don't you worry about it. As far as you and his relationship is concerned, there ain't one. I don't want him wrecking more people's lives. Just like his old man... Look mate, how's about you come in 'ere and we take you to have a lager. It'll loosen you up lad." Chadley retorted.

"Don't you realise later, when the buzz wears off, that you're still the same person with the same problems?"

"Oh, don't be all law-abiding would ya and get in the car! I'll show you this pub we go to downtown. Called the Cockfosters. You'll have a blast mate, trust me!" Chadley bellowed.


Suddenly a car drove towards me at speed with Holloway inside and Amy in the seat next to him. What the hell was he doing with Amy?

"You alright Callum?"


Chadley interrupted.

"Yeh he's coming with us. To the pub. Ain't that right squirt!"

"Oh... sure?"

What was I to say to this mammoth of a man with a couple of lagers in his hand?

"Nah he's coming with me Chadders. Got a bit of homework to get on with. Ain't we Callum?"

"Umm..." I glanced from Holloway to Chadley. "Yeh, we do." We didn't. "Maybe next time Chadley."

"Suit yourself. See ya around, Callum!" He drove off at speed as I entered the back of Holloways car. He then turned, shooting me an angry look.

"We don't have homework." I said confused.

I could see from his face he was containing some anger and contempt for reasons that were unknown to me.

"What we're you doing talking to Chadley Chadsworth? What have I told you about that? Don't talk to him. Haven't I told you enough times that he's trouble?"

"Well, yeh but he doesn't seem that bad." I was genuinely confused as to why Holloway didn't want me speaking to him so much. What could Chadley have done to make Holloway so upset about me speaking to him? 

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