Chapter 20

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Last night wasn't as much of a buzz as I presumed it would be, with the long range of alcohol Holloway had made available for us. Though the rest of them had taken advantage of this freedom, evident with Channon having kissed me, I chose not to oblige, with trauma from the last drunken night coming back to me. I definitely did not want a repeat. The night was a game of two halves. One was a horrendous few hours of being interrogated, it felt, by Holloway on many inappropriate matters which, as it was in front of Channon, I most certainly wouldn't be answering. I knew Channon had felt the same towards him.

For once it actually felt like Holloway had ruined the night, not me. He had made everyone extremely uncomfortable, kept rubbing my hair with his greasy hands and might have even ruined his chances with Amy with his behaviour. I don't know much about women, but I wouldn't believe that cleaning up after their supposed boyfriend is on the top of their to-do list on a night out. He needed to know that he shouldn't have kept me and Channon out of the loop in the first place about what and who would be showing up. Didn't he know we were friends? Close friends at that. Sometimes I don't think he cared and only chose what to do next based on what would benefit him. So, it was pretty obvious I had to have a conversation with him about it, which is what I eventually decided to do the next morning in our Maths lesson together.

We were already ten minutes in and there was no sign of Holloway. Mr Unready was already starting to talk about algebra equations and whatever else he was going on about. I was wondering if he was even well enough to come in. But, not to my surprise, Holloway appeared at the door, looking a little worse for wear still, but this was most definitely an improvement, aka he could actually walk without stumbling. He had done much to cover the pain he was in; wearing a jacket, with the hood on, over his white buttoned up school shirt and a pair of glasses over his eyes for whatever reason. He eventually made his way over to his seat next to me, slouching and not even attempting to grab his books for the lesson. Mr Unready hadn't even noticed Holloway had just entered with how invested he was in his work, something I would never do as headteacher. This school obviously did need straightening up. The lesson progressed as if nothing had happened and again, as per usual, we were given the dreaded mid-lesson maths problems to attempt to solve but little did he know, I had something much more important to solve.

"Holloway?..." No response. "Holloway?" Again no response. I knew I had to do something big to wake him from his nap, so I decided to 'accidentally' spill my water on him. Numerous people saw what I did, but it managed to wake him so I cared little.

"The fuck?" Holloway said mid-yawn. "Fuck."

"You alright?"

"Course I'm not fucking alright. You've poured water on my dick, you fucking creep."

"Aight, I'm sorry."

"Good. You better be." He attempted to go back to sleep, but I was smart enough to shake him this time to wake him. "What!" This angered response obviously managed to draw the attention of Mr Unready, who had the hearing capabilities of a damn wolf.

"Shoosh! Now get on with your work. I'd rather not have to give out detentions today and I'd assume you wouldn't want to be given them, with it being a heatwave and all." He stared at me and Holloway for a few seconds longer before he finally turned back around.


"Callum? You do know I'll hit you if you touch me again?"

"What's got you so rattled this morning?"

"I dunno. Maybe it's the fact that I've now got to clean up my new trousers, though I've only started wearing them today." They didn't look new, but then again he was very much out of it the night before.

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