Chapter 24

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"Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy. Every healthy relationship is built on a foundation of honesty and trust."

- David Willis

"Look, I understand you two are troubled kids. And you two haven't had the easiest of upbringings, with both of you losing a parent very young. I'm very empathetic to you both, I really am. But you need to understand that I cannot, in good conscience, excuse what you've been getting into. I can't accept you two being frequent mainstays within the youth detention centre any longer." Said the old copper, Walter, sat opposite me and DD in the headteachers office, yet again. It was, all too suddenly, becoming a trend. "I hope you know that I take my job very seriously. And it seems as though you two are going down a wrong path of violence and malice... I wanna stop it before its too late, without getting you two into anymore trouble than you already are in."

"I completely understand, sir." I retorted, attempting to decrease the tension and my fate with some social etiquette.

"Good. But I don't think I do... I need to understand what exactly happened, ok? So, I can make sure this doesn't happen again." No response. "Look, I'm just trying to protect you kids. Its in both of your best interests to engage."

"Listen to the man." Said Mr Tsar as he lighted yet another cigarette. How he wasn't dead at this point, I will never know. I took a second to compose myself, with DD evidently not bothered in the slightest by the threatening tone of the copper. Something told me he had been through something similar before.

"I... We both have been stressed these last few weeks. What, with exams and choices. It was only natural that tempers would flare at a party as big as this."

"Right. And were those tempers perhaps increased by the consumption of alcohol?" Oh shit. How did he know?

"I prefer not to speak until my lawyer's present."

"You don't have a lawyer. Plus, I know what kids get up to nowadays. I may not be as knowledgeable into how the youth acts as some of my younger officers in the department, but I think I know enough... Don't worry. You're not in trouble."

"Technically, I didn't have any alcohol." Son of a bitch. Danny was ratting me out. Pretending to be some holy child, when he is anything but.

"Yeh but you did have a knife."

"You had a knife, Danny?"

"Why would I bring a knife to a party? That's just not adhering to social etiquette, is it?" He forced a smile. Even though he was attempting to look innocent, he still look as dastardly as usual.

"Right, and starting a fight which ended with a boy bleeding profusely on the hood of a car, and another taken to hospital due to a torn tricep isn't?" DD began to look a little panicked but managed to keep a calm tone as he spoke.

"I never would do such a thing. If I fight, it is only out of self-defence. Callum was unhinged last night. He assaulted me, I had to fight back... If you check his alcohol levels from last night, I'm sure it was high."

"Already checked it and it seems he had only consumed three units. Barely enough for any man, even the size of Callum, to get drunk." A low blow, but I digress.

"Well, if he wasn't drunk, then maybe that makes this even worse. He stabbed me last night. Right in the leg."

"So that was Callum, was it?" Oh my fucking god! This was it. I was going to prison forever. All because I decided to be a good friend. Screw Holloway for being a drunken hero and attempting to save Chadley from that onslaught.

"I'm afraid so." Afraid so? He was just looking for another opportunity to punish me. To put me behind bars. And I had given him the golden ticket to do just that.

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