Chapter 27

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What could I do at this point? After what had happened to me. Being 'exposed' for having an affair with someone at some party. For kissing them when I was in a relationship with somebody else- at their Carly's own party no less. If that were the case I would feel sorry for Carly. I wouldn't know how to face her. But I knew I had been slandered, victimised and made to look the fool, here. By DD of all people.

DD had made me look like a cheat in front of my peers, to the point that I couldn't stand them any longer. Nor could my best friend Holloway.

What could I do? Not that it was the best decision by any means, nor did I have a choice, but I stayed with Holloway at his house for a few days. Apparently, my mum wasn't exactly my biggest fan after what I had supposedly done. And could you really blame her? If you had a cheating scum for a boyfriend, and a week later found out that your only kid had seemingly inherited those traits. Had cheated on his own girlfriend- your own stepdaughter. When you put it like that, she had every right to do what she did. To have booted me out. To have me living with my friend instead of in his own house. Maybe it was a blessing, with mum and Douglas' arguments not being an ever present factor in my life.

It was just me and Holloway. Two dudes that were screwed over by DD and his gang. Holloway did manage to get his dads car done without his dad finding out, thankfully. But that situation had cost him, both financially and emotionally with him thinking of different ways that he could kill Judas. This is what he was doing a week later in his garden on a Monday morning. Yes we had skipped school for the last week, but who could blame us? We were just scapegoats. Everything wrong with this world I apparently embodied. And if that wasn't bad enough, Holloway was made to look like some loose cannon who hit one of the most popular and all around kindest lads in Beginsford. He was now, pretty much, the spawn of Satan.

"You know it wouldn't be that hard to hire a hitman, you know?"

"Right." A little scary, but I believed him. He most definitely had connections.

"But it's just not satisfying."


"Yeh. I just want their heads on a platter."

"Right. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're starting to talk like a psychopath."

"Well, wouldn't you want it? They fucked up your relationship with Carly. After all the effort you put into it, as well."

"Yeh, I understand that. But, there's just no point in doing anything. Nothing ever goes right."

"Are you being serious, right now?"

"... Yes. Yes I am."

"So, you just don't care anymore?"

"Why would I? My mum's disowned me, my girlfriend has dumped and ended our relationship. And I have a step-dad who has just completely used my mum as nothing more than someone to fuck, not giving a shit about her emotions at all. About her well-being!" A tear came down my face in that moment, which I wiped away. All the stress, all the heartbreak. I just couldn't deal with it all. I just didn't care. "So, tell me! Why the fuck should I care?"

"Well, for all the reasons you just said. Don't you care about your reputation? About doing right by them?"

"Look, I've been doing this for a long time. I've had the same mind set as you. 'It's me against the world.' And I just can't anymore... Nothing changes! Whether you beat someone up, whether you try a new strategy with the girl you like? There's one constant. It never goes the way you want."

"Why are you saying all of this?"

"I'm saying it because I feel it every minute. Every day is the same. Just hoping to fit in somewhere, to be with someone who loves me for me. And when I finally found her, I blew it. She's gone Holloway! No 'justice' and no amount of begging will bring her back."

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