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Week 7

Minho was in the middle of the final meeting as he got a call from Mina. He decided to pick up as she didn't really call him about the pregnancy she mainly discussed it with Jisung, but it seemed important.


"Hyung its Felix"

"Is everything okay?" Asked Minho as he became extremely worried as he heard Mina crying in pain in the background

"Hyung, the ambulance said 45 minutes. She's in too much pain. i can't carry her on my own," Felix cried

"I'll be there in five."

Minho took no time leaving the meeting and driving straight to Minas apartment.

The door wasn't locked, so Minho got in. He saw Mina crouched down, holding her stomach and screaming in pain, with Felix next to her rubbing her back.

He ran towards her, asking her what had happened.

"i don't know - argh, it hurts," she cried in pain. "I didn't- Ah- want to worry Jisung- argh,"

Minho picked her up. There was a pool of blood on the floor where she was sat. He rushed back to the car, driving straight to the hospital.


Minho paced up and down the corridors, hoping everything was okay.

"Mr Lee," the doctor called

"Yes. Is she fine and the baby?" asked Minho

"The patient is out of danger, but unfortunately, she had a miscarriage."

"Oh," that's all Minho could say. He felt his heart sink as he took out his phone to call Jisung.

"Sungie, could you come to the hospital?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Please, just come,"

Once Jisung arrived, Minho grabbed his hands, making him sit down.

"Minho, you're scaring me," said the younger

"Baby," Minho said as he took a deep breath in. "Mina had a miscarriage."

"What?" said Jisung as he removed his hands from Minhos, getting up and walking straight towards the hospital rooms to look for Mina with Minho following after him.

"Jisung, I'm so sorry," cried Mina

Jisung hugged her and kissed her head saying "it's not your fault, I'm just glad you're okay."

"But I feel so bad for you guys," she said, crying harder, holding onto Jisungs hands

"It just wasn't meant to be, no one to blame," he replied calmly.


Mina was discharged the same day. Minho and Jisung dropped her off. She told the two to go home as she didn't want them stressing too much about her as she said she would be fine and recover. She was more worried about Jisung as he wasn't reacting towards the baby at all.

The car ride home was silent. There was no emotion on Jisungs face it was like he was in a state of shock. Minho decided to speak to him, and they arrived home.

"You can talk to me," whispered Minho as he hugged Jisung from the back.

But he was pushed off as Jisung began to cry hysterically.


"ALL YOU DID WAS WORK WORK WORK WORK!" he screamed louder, hitting Minho on the chest. He then broke down even more, burying his head into Minho, crying even more.

Minho apologised to the younger as he held him close.

"You should've made it clear that you didn't want to be a father Minho, I wouldn't have asked again" he said with a defeated tone in his voice, as he left Minhos embrace walking into their room.

As Jisung was asleep, he felt something heavy on his stomach. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked down. It was Minho. He had his head rested on Jisungs stomach.

"I'm so sorry, Ji. I should've been there," he cried. "I was trying to be the best son for my father but ended up being the worst boyfriend and dad."

Jisung shook his head, pulling Minho up from his stomach. The older now had his head resting on Jisungs shoulder as he sat on his lap. Jisung gently rubbed Minhos back, trying to calm him down.

"Minnie, you're not the worst," said Jisung as a tear fell down his cheek. He couldn't help but also cry, "It just wasn't the right time for us."

Minho lifted his head from Jisungs shoulder to face him and rested their foreheads together.

"I do want to be a dad," he said quietly

"I know you do, I didn't mean what I said," replied Jisung, pulling Minho into a hug.


Minho decided to take a month break from work. Him and Jisung needed some time to help each other through their loss.

Jisung woke up around the afternoon, Minho decided to take him on a mini shopping spree as it was the end of the month, and Minho had to go back to work the next day.

Jisung kept going to the baby section in every store they went to in the mall. Minho didn't want to yell at him because he knew Jisung would still be upset. But he came here to take their minds off from what had happened.

As they entered their 6th store, Jisung ran up to the section where they had newborn baby clothes and toys

"Jisung." said Minho with a stern tone.

'I'm just looking, " replied Jisung, giving Minho small puppy eyes as he picked up a small baby toy. It was a light blue cat that had a small rattle when shaken.

Minho took the toy from Jisungs hand and walked away. Jisung decided to wait outside the store he didn't mean to annoy his boyfriend. He saw Minho coming he had a small bag in his hand. Minho smiled as he handed Jisung the bag. Jisung opened the bag and immediately hugged Minho tight

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you more," replied Minho.

Minho had decided to buy Jisung the toy. He knew it would make Jisung happy.

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