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It had snowed 2 feet in the last two days, and the whole neighborhood was freezing. Sophie was reading a novel when she took a break to get a snack. She headed downstairs to the kitchen, opened up the pantry and got a cookie. She stole a glance outside, when she saw her neighbor, Keefe, making a snowman on his front law. 

She quickly shoved her cookie down her throat, and put on a coat & some boots as she rushed outside to make a snowball. Luckily, Keefe was too engrossed in making his snowman to notice her.

She quickly threw a snowball at him and hid behind a nearby bush.

"Silly Foster, you think I didn't notice you head out the door and throw that snowball," Keefe sighed with a hint of disappointment, "You think pranking principal Alina for years wouldn't teach me anything, but I guess everyone forgets things sometimes, even Foster."

"And since Foster wants to fight, guess I'll do it." Keefe shrugged with a smirk as he threw his snowball at her.

"OH!! IT'S ON!" Sophie yelled

The two continued doing this for about 3 hours, until Sophie realized this wasn't doing them any good, and plus, she was tired.

"Fine Keefe, you win," Sophie took a deep breath, as the snowball fight tired her quite a lot, "now how about a truce and we continue building your snowman" Sophie pointed at the forgotten snowman.

"YES! Amazing Keefester wins against the Mysterious Miss F, after a long, grueling snowball duel." Keefe said dramatically, and continued, "And sure foster!"

The two peacefully made their snowman until dark, when Sophie went inside to get ready for bed.

Guess time flies when having fun, thought Sophie.


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