[004] warning signs

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004. warning signs

Having a room to herself again feels almost odd, after days of being in the hospital and crashing on Peter's couch its a change she likes though

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Having a room to herself again feels almost odd, after days of being in the hospital and crashing on Peter's couch its a change she likes though. The feeling of an actual mattress rather than the rough material of a lounge is rather euphoric, but man she misses her bed from home. The knitted blanket that her mother had made is simply going to waste, collecting dust as she struggles to sleep in a bed that isn't her's.

The moonlight streams through the window, hitting the pillow and exposing the deep blue cover. She can only imagine how beautiful it would look on the lake at this time of night, the water shimmering under the moon's bright light.

The brunette can hear the soft snores of Alexander through their shared wall, the man having gone to bed rather early due to the fact he has to get up early for work in the morning. Erica had joined him not long after, leaving Isabella to try and figure out what to do.

She can't sleep, her mind is far too active for a peaceful slumber. When the girl was unable to sleep back home, she would move to the living room and read one of Peter's comic books or Ellie's romance novels. The last thing she wants to do here is invade anybody's privacy or go through things that aren't her's, she doesn't even really know these people.

Isabella stares at the moon for a few more moments before pushing herself out of the bed, grabbing one of the jumpers that Erica had loaned her and slips it on. Her footsteps are quiet as she sneaks out of the room and down the stairs, slipping out the back door so that she can see the water from earlier, Erica's blank easel practically staring her in the face.

"I hope she doesn't mind," Isabella mummers to herself as she takes the seat in front of the blank slate. Her shaky hands pick up the paintbrush, dipping the tip of the blue paint that she can only just make out due to the moonlight.

The moon comes and goes, the sun slowly rising with ever stroke of paint but her eyes are glued to the project in front of her. She doesn't stop, even when she hears Alexander moving about inside nor when his car pulls out of the driveway. It's as if the world around her simply doesn't exist anymore, everything mere background noise in her own little world.


The sound of her voice being called doesn't even pull her from her trance like state, far too invested in where this painting is going. The colours all smudge together, forming different shapes and patterns that seem to simply come together on their own.

Erica walks up behind her, careful not to startle the girl as she paints. A small smile pulls at her lips as she watches, a bouquet of beautiful flowers amongst a field displayed before her, Isabella clearly showing off something she's seen before with the accuracy she draws it.

It's the next moment that stuns Erica though, the younger woman dipping the tip of her brush into the black paint and messily drawing over the beautiful scene with aggression. Isabella's eyes are practically staring a hole into the image, no emotion washing over her face at all.

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